I love today.
Things continue to be fabulous with P. I love waking up to messages from him. That always gets my day off to a beautiful start.
I went out for my daily cup of coffee, and sat outside to drink it and read my book. I was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, and that was perfect for the temperature.
I followed up the daily cup of coffee with my daily walk, and talked to
dawnshine while I strolled. (My phone is sort of working, but the screens are not quite right so I'm glad the replacement is on the way.) She cracks me up.
I came home and decided that the weather is way too nice to spend the day inside, so I changed my clothes and went to the park down the block to read. I wore shorts and a tank top (and perfectly coordinated ballet flats - yay!) and I was perfectly, wonderfully, blissfully comfortable.
My building manager rocks. We talked about the horrors we were unleashing on the world by baring our glowing white legs. I think she's just being kind, though, as she's not quite as glowy as I am. In the end we decided the world could just live with it.
I am going grocery shopping tonight. I made a Cornish game hen last night, and it was so incredibly good and so super easy that I think it will become my regular Sunday dinner. I have to remember to add one to my grocery list. Also on the list are loads of fruits and veggies. I can't get enough of them in the spring and summer. Also possibly seafood of some sort, unless I decide to take myself out for fish and chips for lunch today.
Actually, that sounds really good. Or steak. Slab o' charred beast. I cannot argue with the craving. I am clearly in need of protein. And also possibly whatever nutrients are to be found in a beer.
Also? I spoke to
dawnshine last night, too.
trista: Blather blather blather gonna go now so you can watch Princess because yay!
dawnshine: Remind me tomorrow to tell you about Steve.
trista: Steeeeeve?
dawnshine: Steve is Matthew's friend.
trista: Oh. Well, yay for Matthew. I haven't heard of Steve before.
dawnshine: Steve...is a coconut.
trista: Srsly?
dawnshine: Srsly.
trista: Matthew has a Wilson!
dawnshine: He wanted me to kiss Steve goodnight.
trista: Oh my god, I love your kid.
dawnshine: I think he's fucking with me.
trista: Of course he is. I have the best nephew evar.
And I do. The kid is so smart, and he's sweet and funny and interesting and fascinated by the world around him. Obviously he gets all that from his aunts.