Remember how last night the internet was avoiding my building? That may or may not have stopped. I couldn't tell you, though, because now my computer is doing its very best imitation of a paperweight. I am most decidedly unamused by this, my little FriendBots. I think it's the power supply. I'll be calling my personal tech help geek
shinigumi tonight to confirm. In the meantime, I'll be doing my very best to avoid having a tantrum.
This means no IMing, no Facebook messages or Scrabulous, no managing my music, no downloading pictures from my camera and the uploading them to Flickr, no looking up a phone number or a pizza menu. Did I mention the part about being unamused?
On the bright side, I can still use LiveJournal from work, and I am still emailable.
Also? I so love this icon. That second eyeball slays me.