Bullety Listy Things.

Dec 28, 2007 13:49

Dear god, what a busy day.

  • I missed my bus this morning. Not because I was late, but because it was early. I was taking a later bus than usual because I had a doctor's appointment first thing, so not only did I miss my appointment, I was also late for my usual start time at work. That wasn't a problem, though, because I'd already scheduled that time off and actually ended up in the office earlier than I'd expected to arrive.
  • And a good thing it was, too, as the remodeling began this morning. My cube exploded before I got here. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It was Coworker K's cube, and it exploded into mine. Coworker K is one of my unofficial bosses, and I'd intended to clear out her stuff before the cube demolition started. Not so much with the before part, though. I was shredding and recycling as the cube came down around me. I felt a bit like Fawn Hall.
  • My cube was next to come down, which meant I had to move all my stuff out of it and move it into a cube near my new one. It's amazing how quickly you can do that if you really work at it. I got everything moved in record time, and didn't break, throw, or kick anything or anyone in the process. I'm quite pleased with myself for that.
  • I had to track down the cube-demolishing-and-rebuilding guy, which I certainly did not mind doing, oh my, and ask him to rearrange my overhead storage bin thingies, trade my old desk drawer units for the ones in my new cube, extend my cube wall, and remove the knee-mangling keyboard tray from the bottom of the desk. I couldn't work in my cube while all that was going on, so I was forced, oh tragedy of tragedies, to sit in the neighboring cube and wait. And perhaps do a crossword puzzle, just a little bit.
  • My cube is extended, rearranged, reassembled, and mostly new and improved. Now I have to organize all my stuff in a way that is tidy, organized, and makes sense to me. That should only take me until the next remodeling.
  • I've just submitted my time and expenses report for time ending the 28th of December and starting the 12th. Of August. I was perhaps a tiny bit behind. Sweet shrieking Jesus, that took forever. Also, I had no idea I spent so much time on reports. That's silly, really, since that's what I do. It's just that I'd never seen months and months and months of my work time broken down by task and hour all in one place before. Wow.
  • I was mistaken about today being an early day, and also about Monday being a day off. Today is a full day, and Monday is the early day. This is not the tragedy that it might at first seem, though, as I'm taking the first half of Monday off and will therefore still have a fabulous four-day weekend. Yay!
  • For all the not fabulousness represented in this bullety listy thing, I am in a fabulous mood and am not at all upset by any of that stuff.
  • shinigumi and dawnshine: I'm not bothered. Chiz chiz.
  • Only an hour until I go home! I worked through lunch to get my time and expenses done, so it's early release day for me.

bullety listy things

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