That muscle that I have in my ab-ular region? It hurts again today. Ow. Coworker B and I were talking about it earlier.
Coworker B: You know what you need to do? You need to keep doing them, even though it hurts now. Eventually you'll stop feeling the soreness.
trista: Yeah, I was thinking of maybe going out for a beer instead.
Coworker B: *snerk*
trista: The truly terrible thing is that I'm mostly serious.
Coworker B: Bwaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
So. Beer it is.
I loved your responses to my television question, my little FriendBots. Your comments were fun to read. You mentioned a bunch of shows that I loved, and a bunch I'd never seen. As a result, My Netflix queue has grown dramatically.
I love Netflix with all my little heart. I should be getting the last two DVDs in the second season of Monk today, along with Bad Santa. I so love that movie.
I beat the shit out of some kids today. But it was for a purpose. It made me feel good about myself. It was like I did something constructive with my life or something, I dunno, like I accomplished something.
Also, John Ritter is fantabulous in it.
So, tell me about a movie you love. It doesn't have to be your very favorite, just something you have fun watching. Tell me what it is and why you love it. You know you want to.