Today is a downish sort of day. There's no particular reason for it that I can figure out. It just sort of is. Blargh.
I am slightly less busy at work today than I have been in weeks. It certainly isn't that I haven't anything to do, but there are fewer things with looming deadlines that have to be done right this second oh my god go go go!,
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I have to tell you that the fried cornbread are called hoe-cakes. I have felt a burning desire to tell someone that for a long time. Thank you for giving me an opportunity. Oh, and they're easy - just make the mix like you're going to bake it, then heat up some oil in a skillet (about 1/2 inch as you don't want corn pancakes), and then when it's good and hot, drop in about a 1/4 cup full and when it's got some popped bubbles in the center, flip it over. It's about 1-2 minutes each side depending on how brown you like it. I like 'em almost brown. Best eaten with a bowl of pinto beans. Yum.
Willow won't eat anything unless it has gravy on it or is some sort of ham by-product. I've begged her to eat the stuff I drop on the kitchen floor, but she refuses. Trust me to get a finicky eater!
And if you want to go all nuts, get some pickled jalapenos, chop up a few, add them to the pot while it's simmering, and also add a little of the pickling juice. Fantastico.
Another hint - add a couple teaspoons (or several if you're insane like me) of cocoa powder (unsweetened). It is tres yum. And super Mexican. :D
Also? I had no idea about the hoe-cake thing. Huh. I always wondered what the hell a hoe-cake was.
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