I'm Puzzled. Girl, You Know It's True.

Jan 05, 2006 08:05

Best clue so far in my super spifftastic New York Times crossword puzzle book:

Rock's _____ Vanilli.


I love puzzles.
  • Word puzzles fill me with joy. Crosswords and scrambled word puzzles are my favorites.
  • I love logic puzzles, too. Those glorious grids at the top of the page with the clues written underneath, just waiting for me to find the answer. I love them because if you pay attention, you will always get the answer.
  • Sudoku puzzles rock. Again, if you pay attention you will always solve them. It might just take some time *ahem* I'm still working on the first one in my Christmas present book o' sudoku puzzles. I've only worked on it a bit, but not having finished it yet causes a constant low-level must finish buzz in my head.
  • Jigsaw puzzles are also fantabulous. A gazillion (or, you know, a thousand) pieces just lying around, waiting to be sorted and arranged. And when it happens there's a perfectly put together picture that I'll look at for a few minutes before taking it apart, putting it away, and pulling out a new one to work on.
  • I like bullety listy things, too. That has nothing to do with puzzles, but I wanted another bullety thing on my listy thing. So there.
I go through puzzly phases. I rarely do one jigsaw puzzle and then move on to a crochet project. I'll do jigsaw puzzles for a week or two, and then become fanatical about crossword puzzles, and then go on a logic puzzle kick. There usually isn't a thing that happens to shift my interest from one to the next. I think I just reach my crossword saturation point and have to move on. Right now, though, it's definitely all about the crosswords. I'm dreaming about them. I see crossword grids around the words on the pages of my books. I think about how each word I see would intersect nicely with some other word. I'm beginning to think I may need an intervention. So. Bring chocolate. I won't be able to get through this without help.

sudoku, puzzles, shriek

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