Collected a bunch of work friends who hadn’t played 4e before, including one who’s never played D&D at all, and we’ve started Keep on the Shadowfell. I’m running.
While the wizard was writing his character up, I ran them through the first encounter (stripped most of the minions out to account for the lack of controller), then rewound and ran them through for real with wizard involved. The experienced D&D players have a combination of Stockholm Syndrome from their other, evil GM and a whole bunch of boggling at the power level difference in 4e. The rest of us are just having fun. I couldn’t murder them this time, but next time, Gadget, next time.
The only major unanswered question I had after game was figuring out stealth to gain combat advantage for our rogue.
Question answered easily when I hit the forums.
Looking forward to this again next week. They’ve gotten the first couple plot drops. Hope things continue to entertain. Want to murder one of them next time, or at least get close.
(crossposted from
The Dream Library)