Tri-4-Real #2

Jul 16, 2007 07:54

I had a race yesterday. And I did really well. I actually performed where I should have been. My run was still slow, but I finished uder 2:35 which is about where I should be. The fastest I've done that course was 2:29 and usually I am in the low 2:30's. But last month I did 2:48. Ugh!!!!
So I was definitely happy with this outcome.
Now I feel like I can actually work on improving rather than just trying to get back to where I should be.
Josh raced yesterday too. It was his second olympic distance race and he hadn't done anything in 2 years. So it was almost like starting over. He did awesome. 2:38. 20 minutes faster than his first olympic tri!
He was still dissapointed though because he lost his water bottle on the bike and consequently was dehydrated on the run and started to have heat stroke. He even stopped sweating.  Yikes! But he finished and I am so proud of him!
He is going to be pretty good when we can get some more experience in him and improve his endurance. 
The best part of the race though was at the end. I had just sat down with my provided post-race meal when a man I had passed on the bike came up to me with his son. He asked about what I was training for with Team in Training (I was wearing my TNT jersey) and then informed me that his son was a leukemia survivor. Jaime is 13 and just reached his 5 year remission milestone, so he is cured! They thanked me for what I am doing and I asked if Jaime would like to be a team honoree. He smiled huge and should his head vigorously. He'd LOVE to! It was so cool!
So I got their info and I am going to invite them to our honoree party. 
That definitely made my day and helped remind me why I work hard to raise money for this cause. It was awesome!
By the way...
If you'd like to help me raise money to help fight blood cancer and find a cure you can donate to my fundraising page.

x-posted to
trisportand trigeeks


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