Home AU: Conversation

Mar 24, 2009 17:57

I had a plot bunny bite relating to my Home AU world where Shannon and Kelly survived, so you all get another tidbit from that world.

ETA: Oh, and I forgot to add, drabble of your choice to the person who gets my obscure Sci Fi reference.

Title: Conversation
Series: Home AU
Author: triskellion
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1199
Spoilers: Hiatus
Warnings: Talk of slash and sex, but no actual activities
Disclaimer: They're not mine, pretty as I find them. Go to the producers if you want to talk money.
Summary: AU that does not follow canon. What if Shannon and Kelly still lived? After recruiting Tony, Gibbs and Shannon have a few things to discuss.

“So, you have a new agent,” Shannon said, leaning against the workbench where she could watch her mate sanding the ribs of his latest boat.

“Kids settled?” Gibbs asked, leaning deeply into each stroke up the central rib.

“They're not going to listen in,” Shannon assured him.

Gibbs looked over, a raised eyebrow expressing his disbelief.

“Jack's out cold, and Kelly's busy chatting with her friends on the computer,” Shannon said with a roll of her eyes.

“Hmm,” Gibbs grunted.

“I get the impression you don't want to talk about Tony DiNozzo,” Shannon said, walking around the boat to lean against the rib next to the one Gibbs was working on.

“Maybe I'm not sure I want to hear what you are going to say,” Gibbs replied, pausing his sanding to look over at his mate.

“Probably,” Shannon said, a hint of a smile gracing the corner of her lips.

With a sigh, Gibbs turned and mirrored her pose, leaning a hip against the rib beside him.

“You didn't mention how cute Tony is,” Shannon said wryly.

“Wasn't relevant,” Gibbs said gruffly.

Shannon took a deep breath, flaring her nostrils as she scented the room. Then she just looked at him, eyebrow raised, until he looked away. “Thought so,” she muttered.

“You don't agree?” Gibbs asked tauntingly.

Shannon laughed, her head thrown back to give full throat to her mirth. Only someone as close as family would know her well enough to catch the hint of sorrow in the hysteria. Gibbs heard it. “Ah, Gibbs,” she whispered. “No, I agree. Under other circumstances I'd suggest inviting him back some evening when the kids are off with friends and seeing if he's as flexible as Abby's been gossiping.”

“You talked to Abby?” Gibbs cut in, his eyes meeting his mate's in surprise.

Smirking, Shannon said, “Of course.”

Gibbs rolled his eyes. “Subverting my every authority?” he asked sarcastically

“I'm glad I did,” Shannon insisted. “If I hadn't seen his background, I might have made that suggestion, and don't tell me you wouldn't have been tempted.”

Sighing, Gibbs shook his head. “I was tempted the minute I laid eyes on him in Baltimore.”

“I figured,” Shannon said wryly. “And under other circumstances I'd have nothing against scratching that itch. Isn't the first time, for either of us, won't be the last. But I don't think it's right, not with Tony.”

Silence echoed through the basement room for a minute before Gibbs shifted into a more relaxed pose and asked, “Care to share your reasoning?”

“Tony needs stability,” Shannon began. “His father shows every indication of being a grade A bastard. I think Tony learned to stand up to alphas and to run dealing with his father, but he never learned to trust. If we truly want to gain his trust, to keep him here as part of our pack, then we need to clearly define what we want of him and be consistent. Inviting him home for an evening of fun isn't going to provide that consistency.”

“Once again,” Gibbs said sadly, “you prove we think far too alike.”

“You'd already realized this,” Shannon said, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. Gibbs nodded. “Why make me say it?” she asked.

“Wanted to see if you saw what I saw,” Gibbs replied with a shrug.

“He'll be a lot of work, but based on what I saw tonight, I think the results would be worth it,” Shannon said.

“Might not be as hard as you're thinking,” Gibbs countered. “He submitted to me as alpha when he accepted the job.”

“Leroy Jethro Gibbs,” Shannon snapped. “You know you shouldn't have demanded that so soon.”

“Didn't,” Gibbs replied blandly, ignoring his mate's ire. “Told him he could try without, but seems we did something right today because he offered.”

Looking taken aback, Shannon stood in silence for a minute, considering the events of the evening. “Well, I didn't expect that,” she admitted finally. “Any idea what?”

Shrugging, Gibbs suggested, “We made him welcome.”

“Jack's baseball game?” Shannon asked.

“Probably helped,” Gibbs agreed.

“Never worked with Stan,” Shannon said dryly.

“Stan wasn't a lone wolf in search of a family,” Gibbs countered.

Shannon snorted. “Conceded.” She sighed and straightened, leaning over to plant a kiss on her mate's cheek. “I should have known better than to think I needed to lecture you on such things.”

Gibbs chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “Eh, I learned my lesson in Paris,” he admitted. “Doubt I'll mix the job and an evening's entertainment that way again.”

“You got lucky that time, Gibbs,” Shannon said pointedly.

“Don't I know it,” Gibbs agreed, shaking his head at his own foolishness. “If moving her career forward hadn't proved more important to her than her sex life ...”

“I know you were lonely ...” Shannon began.

“And horny,” Gibbs interrupted in a self depreciating tone.

“Obviously,” Shannon replied with a roll of her eyes. “Six months undercover in Paris was too long alone.”

“I learned my lesson and didn't repeat the mistake in Russia,” Gibbs pointed out.

“Thank goodness,” Shannon said with an exaggerated sigh of relief. “I'm not sure your career could have survived another politically ambitious redhead. I was more than a touch relieved when she sent that letter saying her career was more important than you.”

“I was relieved, too,” Gibbs admitted. “For it a bit it looked like she thought it was more than a fling.”

“You have the worst taste in women,” Shannon said in mock disappointment.

“I chose you, didn't I?” Gibbs protested.

“An aberration,” Shannon countered with a wry grin.

“Nope, I caught the best there ever was on the first try, and I'm a fool to ever want to look anywhere else,” Gibbs said, planting a solid kiss on his mate's lips.

Shannon melted against him, but as soon as his lips left hers she punched him solidly in the shoulder. “Nah, you're a randy old goat, and I'd rather you got it out of your system when your eyes wander.”

“Since you have exactly the same tenancies, my Rangy Lil,” Gibbs said dryly.

“You got that right,” Shannon said with a smug grin. “But better taste in women.”

“She's a good field agent,” Gibbs insisted.

“With political ambitions,” Shannon pointed out, and not for the first time. “I just hope that affair never comes back to bite you on the ass.”

“I'll deal with it when it comes, if it comes,” Gibbs said, his tone stating that this was his final opinion on the matter.

“And Tony?” Shannon asked pointedly, glaring slightly at her mate.

“I think I have much better taste in men,” Gibbs said, ignoring her glare.

“You do, but that was not my point,” Shannon ground out.

“I think he'll make an excellent second,” Gibbs said, reigning himself in some.

Shannon let out an aggrieved sigh.

“You'll help me keep him on the right path,” Gibbs said confidently, kissing his mate's cheek. “After training me up, it should be a cake walk.”

Shannon laughed, collapsing against him in her mirth. “Oh lord, now I've got to manage two of you. There aren't enough hours in the day.”

writing, fanfiction, home au, ncis

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