NCIS: Keeping up Apperances and Welcome Company

Nov 01, 2008 09:31

I realized that to properly deal with Frame Up, I have to take into account the four episodes that preceded it. Therefore, I have begun with Chip's first appearance. Here are scenes connected to The Voyeurs Web and Honor Code. I've got Under Covers written and Frame Up on the way, so keep your eyes open.

Title: Keeping up Appearances
Series: Home
Author: triskellion
Rating: PG
Word Count: 743
Spoilers: The Voyeurs Web
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: They're not mine, pretty as I find them. Go to the producers if you want to talk money.
Summary: AU but following canon events: Two scenes during The Voyeurs Web to clear the air between our boys. Beginning of the Frame Up arc.

“Monica?” Gibbs asked darkly as soon as he had Tony alone in the elevator. Frustrated as he was, he almost forgot to flip the emergency stop switch.

“You've been waiting all day to ask that, haven't you?” Tony asked, laughing lightly.

Gibbs replied with a stone faced glare and a subtle growl that a human might not hear but a shifter couldn't miss.

Tony took half a step back and hunched his shoulders slightly. “Just a joke to tweak Ziva,” he insisted. “If nothing is to change at work, I can't just stop talking about girls.”

Gibbs huffed and cocked an eyebrow at Tony before relaxing. “All right. But if it's all a joke, what are you going to do with that dinner reservation?”

Tony smiled broadly, leaning in towards his mate. “Wanna go to dinner Friday?” he asked sweetly.

“Perhaps ... if circumstances permit,” Gibbs said. His tone and face were blank, but his eyes were twinkling with the delight of having been asked.

Tony shrugged. “If not, I can always see if I can look pathetic enough to get Ziva to go with me,” he said teasingly.

“Be careful with her,” Gibbs warned, visibly curbing his jealousy.

“Just testing the waters, boss,” Tony assured him, gripping his shoulder tightly. “Some time together out of the office might help me get a better bead on her, before probie tells my every secret.”

“As long as that's all it is,” Gibbs agreed, a slight curl to his lips as he ended the conversation by hitting the emergency stop switch.


“Sorry dinner fell through,” Tony said as soon as he closed his door behind him. He'd smelt Gibbs from the far end of the hall, so it was no surprise to find the older man sitting on his couch.

“You have fun with Ziva?” Gibbs asked, sounding impressed.

“I think I got at least as much out of her as she did out of me,” Tony said, shrugging off his jacket before collapsing onto the couch next to Gibbs. “And I threw in a few lines about McGee to make up for some of the doozies he's been letting slip.”

“If you didn't talk so much, he wouldn't have so much to share,” Gibbs pointed out, slinging an arm around Tony's shoulders.

“If I didn't talk so much, I wouldn't be me,” Tony countered, snuggling up to Gibbs' side and resting his head on the older man's shoulder.

Gibbs snorted and pressed a kiss to the top of Tony's head.

“You looked pretty cozy leaving with the Director,” Tony said. It was a pointed dig that he probably should avoid, but he couldn't deny the jealous feeling that shot through him every time he saw them too close. Gibbs sighed and tapped Tony lightly across the back of his head. “Sorry, boss. It's just ...”

“You're the one with the La Perla bag,” Gibbs interrupted gruffly.

“It's a joke gift, for a frat brother. His wife will love it,” Tony grumbled even as he wiggled his arm in between Gibbs and the couch to curl it around the older man.

“You were late picking up a joke gift for a frat brother?” Gibbs said, his disdain clear.

“Hasn't been a lot of other time free,” Tony groused. “Meant to go last night, but ...”

Gibbs humphed but let the topic go.

“You have dinner?” Tony asked softly after sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

“Jen insisted on taking me out,” Gibbs admitted. A soft growl built in Tony's throat, but Gibbs cut it off with another smack to the back of his head. “We kept it professional,” he insisted. “And it gave me a chance to glare at her some more about Abby's assistant.”

“She really assigned Abby an assistant?” Tony asked, pulling slightly back so he could see Gibbs' face. “Is Abby all right?”

“For now,” Gibbs said, looking over at Tony with concerned eyes. “But I need you to help her hold it together. Jen is insisting on a full month trial period.”

Tony groaned. “Abby's going to be hell.”

“Just be there for her,” Gibbs requested. “She adores you. That will help more than anything.” Tony grumped again, and Gibbs countered by leaning in for a firm kiss. “Can I make it worth your while?” he whispered teasingly, his lips only millimeters from Tony's.

“Why don't you try, and I'll let you know,” Tony suggested, surging forward for another kiss.

Title: Welcome Company
Series: Home
Author: triskellion
Rating: PG
Word Count: 550
Spoilers: Honor Code
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: They're not mine, pretty as I find them. Go to the producers if you want to talk money.
Summary: AU but following canon events: After Honor Code, Gibbs and Tony have a short talk about matters in the office.

“You didn't come by last night,” Gibbs commented once he heard Tony's steps on the basement stairs.

“Saw the Director's car out front and figured it would be too hard to explain,” Tony answered, sitting down on the bottom step.

Gibbs sighed. He'd figured it was something like that. He'd enjoyed having Zach in his home, but he'd missed Tony's usual visit. He had hoped that in the quiet of the basement he might have gotten the two to interact more comfortably. Tony had not made the best first impression. Then again, when it came to little boys or kids in general, Tony's discomfort was an easy target to lash out at. This wasn't the first time he'd proved awkward with kids and likely wouldn't be the last.

“I don't know. Would have thought my pet dog might enjoy growling at Jen for once instead of having to make nice,” Gibbs said, his tone flat but his eyes twinkling with amusement. He was well aware of how frustrated his mate got when the Director was in a flirting mood. And with her in that dress ... it would have been an interesting scene.

Tony sighed. “Now that I wished I had thought of,” he admitted, grinning. “Maybe next time.”

“Might teach her not to stop by off the clock,” Gibbs said with a sigh.

Tony hopped up on the work bench and watched silently as Gibbs got back to work. The small patches where Zach had done his inexpert sanding were visible to Gibbs’ trained eye and so familiar it hurt. Having Tony so close in his life was bringing up a lot of memories he'd thought he'd buried a long time ago. Maybe it was time to try and share some of them.

Still, he wasn't upset when Tony interrupted that train of thought. “I don't like Chip,” Tony said into the silence.

“Chip?” Gibbs asked, trying to figure out what his second was talking about.

“Abby's new assistant,” Tony explained. “Every time I go down to her lab, there's just this way he looks at me ... creeps me out. I've been throwing digs at him as much to sooth my own sense of unease as to make Abby laugh.”

“It working?” Gibbs asked. He'd noticed a similar sense of unease, probably why he'd made those comments about the man's mustache.

“For me or for her, boss?” Tony asked, but before Gibbs could reply or glare he continued. “She's laughing, which is good, but it doesn't make the man any less creepy.”

“An odd complaint for someone Abby doesn't like,” Gibbs said thoughtfully.

Tony snickered. “No comment, boss.” He was quiet for a minute, but soon spoke again. “I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I don't think he likes me. I mean, I've managed to irritate and piss off people in every walk of life, but after a bit most of them come to find me amusing. I want to say Chip flat out despised me from the minute I first came into view.”

“You're probably thinking too hard,” Gibbs offered.

“Probably,” Tony agreed, but Gibbs couldn't ignore how uneasy his second looked.

“We're keeping an eye on him,” Gibbs said reassuringly.

“I know,” Tony said, grinning at his alpha, his eyes warm and happy.

home, writing, fanfiction, ncis

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