NCIS - Defining Boundaries

Oct 29, 2008 17:19

Ok, this wasn't the original plan, but my muse is insisting on hitting a number of the season three episodes for mid or post episode tags in my shifter world. Most of this is fluff or intended to build an impression of Gibbs' and DiNozzo's relationship outside of what is shown on the show. These will be posted as they arrive, and may be out of order. Today I have bits from Mind Games and Silver War.

Title: Defining Boundaries of Home
Series: Home
Author: triskellion
Rating: PG
Word Count: 699
Spoilers: Mind Games
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: They're not mine, pretty as I find them. Go to the producers if you want to talk money.
Summary: AU but following canon events: They've just begun to sort out the new aspects of their dynamic when old ghosts from both their pasts show up.

“Ducky's worried about you,” Tony said the instant his feet hit the stairs.

“Shouldn't you be back at the office managing your probie army?” Gibbs said, ignoring his second's words.

Tony paused on the stairs and thought back to the scene in the evidence bay. Yes, he'd seen Gibbs lurking behind Paula and Tim. “Over the top?” he asked, finishing his trip down the stairs.

“Just a bit,” Gibbs said sarcastically, continuing to carefully drill a hole through the plank into the rib of the boat. “If this is how you react to confirmation of your position as second ...” he trailed off.

Tony considered several possible ends to the sentence, most of them decrying his leadership ability. Except he wouldn't be Gibbs' second if the older man didn't think he could handle it. “Is that really what you're upset about, or is it that I've been flirting with Paula?” he countered, leering at his boss' ass, now bent over at just the right angle.

“No, she'd be more surprised if you didn't flirt,” Gibbs said, quickly shooting him down. “But you shouldn't let her get to you.” Tony should have been paying more attention to his mate's hands because Gibbs managed to back out the drill, turn, and slap his second upside the head before Tony knew it was coming.

“Yes, boss,” Tony said, resigned. This was probably going to happen a lot. Paula had learned a lot of his buttons, and it bugged him. Oh well, at least she was only here for the week.

“Boone settled?” Gibbs asked, turning back to his boat as though Tony weren't even there.

“And staring at the walls like he sees something that only he can understand,” Tony answered, leaning a hip against the work bench. “So no more probie army required. But Ducky is still worried about you.”

Gibbs sighed and stepped back from the boat. There was a cup of coffee on the work bench that hadn't quite become too cold to drink yet. “I've changed. I'll be fine,” Gibbs insisted as he sipped lukewarm coffee.

“What happened last time?” Tony asked. He hoped Gibbs, his mate, would answer, but if not he'd find a way to get it out of Ducky.

“Remember how I was with Ari?” Gibbs asked, his eyes darkening with anger and flickering over to the slight stain in the basement floor.

Tony shivered, both at the memory of Gibbs in Captain Ahab mode and in understanding that Gibbs was looking at the place where Ari bleed out. “Hard to forget.”

“Same problem, but wife one didn't have the sense to tell me off.” Gibbs looked over and caught Tony's eyes, a silent thank you within his own.

“I assume that was shortly before she became ex-wife number one?” Tony said, smiling lightly in response to Gibbs' look.

“Exactly.” Gibbs shrugged like it didn't matter and turned back to his boat, though he didn't start working on it again.

“I'm not going anywhere,” Tony said firmly.

Gibbs grinned behind his mug and said, “Yes, you are, back to the office. I didn't say you could go home.”

“Except back to the office,” Tony said with a roll of his eyes. They were okay. Gibbs was okay. Everything was as it should be. He straightened and took a step towards the stairs, but Gibbs still had his back to Tony. “What? No goodbye kiss?” Tony said plaintively, stopping behind his mate.

Gibbs looked over his shoulder and smirked wickedly before turning and kissing Tony passionately. Tongues dueled, brains shut down, and Tony was pretty sure he had new bruises on his hips from how tight Gibbs was holding him. “Mine,” Gibbs growled possessively as he pulled back and turned to the boat.

“Yours,” Tony assured him once he got his breath back. He ran a hand down the back of Gibbs' head, leaned in close and growled his own, “Mine,” before walking off.

If his hearing weren’t so sharp, he never would have heard the reply that came as he walked up the stairs. Gibbs barely breathed the word, “Yours,” but it was enough to leave Tony grinning all the way back to the office.

Title: Defining Boundaries of Pack and Home
Series: Home
Author: triskellion
Rating: PG
Word Count: 486
Spoilers: Up to and including Silver War
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: They're not mine, pretty as I find them. Go to the producers if you want to talk money.
Summary: AU but following canon events: There's someone new nosing about the pack and Tony wants to know if she's friends or foe.

It took quite some time and effort, but eventually, Tony was able to maneuver himself into the elevator at the same time as Gibbs and no one else. Taking a deep breath--after all, he was risking his life even trying this--he reached out and flipped the emergency stop switch.

“DiNozzo?” Gibbs said, eyebrow cocked with a threat of imminent pain if explanations were not produced ASAP.

“Two questions, boss,” Tony said, trying to hide his own hesitation. It wasn't that he'd never confronted Gibbs on something before, more that he'd never planned it out before.

“Yes?” Tony had paused too long and was receiving the evil eye.

“Why did you give in to the Director about Ziva?” Tony said as quickly as he could, before the hand sneaking towards the emergency stop had a chance to flip it back.

“Are you asking as senior field agent or mate?” Gibbs asked.

“Both,” Tony replied, crossing his arms. Gibbs just stared until he started to babble an explanation. “As senior field agent, I need to know when the people on the team can be trusted and when they can't. As your mate, I want to know what that woman is holding over you.”

Gibbs took a deep breath and nodded. “You say nothing,” he cautioned firmly.

“Of course,” Tony assured him.

“Ari was her half brother. He said some things before he died, things she heard, which make her life difficult. It's hard having a lifetime's worth of beliefs broken in an instant.”

“She asked to come,” Tony said thoughtfully. Gibbs nodded. “Alright, but she's Mossad, an assassin.”

“She'll learn,” Gibbs replied flatly. The look in his eyes made the order clear.

“All right, I'll play teacher, but I reserve judgment on her worthiness to be pack,” Tony countered firmly. He wasn't going to argue with an order from his alpha, but he also wasn't going to let the older man walk all over him. He hadn't before and didn't want to change that.

“Fair enough.” Gibbs stood, staring like he was expecting something.

“What?” Tony asked defensively.

“You said two things.”

Tony grinned as he remembered and blurted it out even as he questioned his sanity. “Who was the redhead?”

“And who's asking that one?” Gibbs asked with a wry grin.

“Mate,” Tony said flatly, baring his teeth in a jealous grin.

“Just an old friend. Nothing to worry about,” Gibbs said. Tony stared back, demanding more without saying a word. Gibbs just reached out and slapped the back of his mate's head. “Nothing to worry about,” he repeated, watching the jealous look fade from Tony's face.

Gibbs reached out and flipped the emergency stop switch. As the lights came back and the room resumed its motion, he said, “I'm impressed. You never dared to ask that one before.”

“Never had the right to be jealous before,” Tony growled back just before the doors opened.

On a side note, I find myself craving a suitable icon for this series, but have no skill for such things. If anyone should be inspired, I'd love to see the results.

home, writing, fanfiction, ncis

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