Just because 30% of people use non-IE for preference, doesn't mean they aren't prepared to fire up IE where necessary. You might as well argue that because people spend upwards of 90% of their time not in a car, out of town shopping centres are giving up 90% of their potential custom. They aren't, they're giving up the proportion which doesn't have a car at all. And they don't care.
'So what was the particular piece of website design that was worth giving up the revenue of a third of the web-using world?'
(It was NUS extra.)
Just because 30% of people use non-IE for preference, doesn't mean they aren't prepared to fire up IE where necessary. You might as well argue that because people spend upwards of 90% of their time not in a car, out of town shopping centres are giving up 90% of their potential custom. They aren't, they're giving up the proportion which doesn't have a car at all. And they don't care.
"Statistics are important information."
Ahahahaha. And other such hysterical laughter. And so to bed.
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