Oct 05, 2006 05:39
Rant 178
Your Kind of Freedom?
"If the creator of the entire world and of every being, called God, be the Lord, why does he order such misfortune and not create happiness but only discord? If the creator of the entire world and of every being, called God, be the Lord, why do deceit, lies and ignorance prevail and he create such inequity and injustice? If the creator of the entire world and of every being, called God, be the Lord, then an evil master is he, (O Aritta) knowing what's right did let wrong prevail!"
-The Buddha (from the Bhuridatta Jataka)
How many times have the ideals of sacrifice, the greater good, charity, and social harmony been used as shackles to keep people enslaved? Socially inculcated, religiously indoctrinated, or politically corrected and coerced expressions of any of these ideas are nothing more than the ramblings of thieves who have stolen your freedom. Civilization is mostly a sugar coated concentration camp while government and economy are its barbed wire fences. Because you have been given a wide variety of choices between things and experiences you can buy, you think of yourself as free. You have been trained to live within the fences of the concentration camp. You no longer see those as limits on your freedom, but sadly as the basis for securing your freedom, which is nothing more than DUMB and DOOM (the twin ideals of present day society). You hate those people who seem to have slipped through and gotten outside and thus can't any longer be classified or labeled by the camp wardens, not even by the camp ideologues who call themselves priests, religious teachers, or "spiritual" healers. Every now and then, you might run into some Discordian, some Buddhist, or even a very wise Christian, Muslim, Pagan, or Agnostic, who cuts holes through the camp fences and drags your numb ass out to see the real world of possibility and freedom. And yet, what do most of you do when this happens? You run back inside in fear of that reality which has nothing to do with all those concepts which keep you believing that you are already free while inside the camp.
You don't want to hear that you are locked up and inculcated to serve or follow or obey others. You don't want to learn that your masters include that part of yourself that wants to be secure at any cost, even at the cost of growing up. You really do believe and feel that you need government and economy around to protect you and you need religion around to assuage yourself from any fear that you may one day have to live outside of the camp, such as when you die. You have done this to yourself. No one running the camp forces you from your homes and marches you inside the camp. You do that yourself, from day one, when you begin to believe the conceits, lies, and denials that you are trained to believe in via the ruses of culture, social conditioning, and so-called education. Like with the cable company, you get a wireless router and some software called ego installed in you and you become responsible for maintaining the little inner dictator to the point where no one in the camp really has to tell you to do anything since you already prove that you can coerce yourself into doing or saying anything so long as you can keep comfortable and maintain the illusion that your sand castle will last forever.
You cry when those who refuse to live this way will not coddle you and coax you or tell you that it is okay to live confined up inside the fences. You tell us that we are being mean to you, that we just don't get it, or that we are simply trouble makers out to stir up shit for no good reason than to spite. We, free people, love peace as much as anyone, but if you expect us to sacrifice freedom for the false hope of peace-through-acquiescence, you are sorely mistaken. It is better to live as free women and men in the midst of strife then it is to live as weak and mewling captives in the peace of confinement, hobbled by a lack of free thought. This concentration camp and slaughter house you call civilization must be ended or destroyed. It is the enemy of freedom and consumer of souls. Look not at its high minded doctrines and ideals, look to its results. See the millions of murdered, the destruction of nature for the extraction of resources, the crushing of true spirituality and replacing it with priest and preacher-craft, and the billions of minds now hobbled and boxed up to be bought and sold on the global slave market of the information age. So you can not expect us to live in peace with it. You hate us for thinking in ways that you feel are not permitted. You find us strange or bizarre or extremist. Yet secretely you crave that freedom we are trying to keep. Some inside part of you has not been defaced as of yet by social dogmas. You have some core memory of what a human being could be if they lived up to it. But that is buried underneath the pretty ads and the shiny things.
But your sandcastle will not last forever. Your kind of freedom is your pimp and your pretty toys and distractions are nothing more than your tricks. We come with the acid rain of Discordia to dissolve all of that pretense. We are with the waves and the winds. We are freaks, quirks, and damned things of nature and we are with nature. We dance with the gods all the while denying their existence. We howl at the streetlights. We are that driver in front of you who goes slow enough to piss you off in an attempt to push that final button of yours. We continuously nip at the four walls of your self-chosen prison and we are here today to tell you that the ruse is up and we are coming to burn the place down. You can't lock the doors and close the gates, because, surprise surprise, we are all over the place. Every position and location has been infiltrated, whether inside or out. It would be one thing if the concentration camp stayed in its own valley somewhere and left the rest of us alone, but no, it spreads like a cancer and it won't be happy until there is no one left freely alive. That is why we must destroy it and drag the rest of your numb asses outside screaming into the truth of chaos. Reality is coming home to you all to collect on your denials and half-truths, your willful lies and falsities. Eris is bringing truckloads of golden apples to roll all over your pretty sandcastles and the Buddhas are simply going to laugh it up. Your hallucination of freedom is now our target and we rarely miss. You won't be able to run back into the camp and hide from Eris after we have burned it up and barbecued the wardens. We are the winds that will blow your minds and you can either hop around like a lunatic or stand up finally and be free. (Or maybe both.)
We'd rather you learn to shrug it off and laugh with us in your soon to be freedom. But we are coming to collect what is due anyway, and it matters none to us if you cry instead. The time for coddling is over. No god can prevent this from happening since we have recruited them all to freedom. (Or we had our mascot Cthulhu eat them.) No, you won't find the coming conflagration predicted by your aneristic soothsayers and supposed occult prophets (since those are all con-jobs we started centuries ago). Even the religions get it wrong when they call it the end of the world. It won't be the end of anything but your ignorance and slavery. (Though it may be easier to get hot dogs.) What you may ask yourself now is "are you crazy enough to exist with us out here away from the walls of inculcation and fear?"
-Irreverend Hugh/Tequilarius Malignatus, KSC
(September 3rd, 2006)
(Om Mani Padme Hum / Operation Mindf##k People's Headquarters)
(Kaotic Vociferous Erisian Trickster Conspirators from Hell)
(Nothing's Scarier Than Santa Hats)
(The TAntric COnspiracy)
(The Flaming Church of Baby Jesus' Motorbike)
P.M.M. / D.S.S.
(Purple Monkey Mafia)
(Paratheo-anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric)
in support of the new D.J. against Pagan aneristic prejudice