Jun 05, 2005 15:28
MR TB brought me back a pressie from Glasgow today....an MP3 player......*squeee*, I was looking at them on the web the other day and never even mentioned them to him, but he must have saw what I was looking at and hey presto he got me one.....
I'm charging it up at the moment after having loaded the info disk to puter, so I will upload some c.d.'s later and see how I get on transferring them to the player, at least I won't have to carry around my personal c.d. player anymore, I always had to carry a bag with me to put the player into which was a bit of a hassle at times...lol
Also the new 'stop smoking' c.d. has arrived .......what a big difference from the last one, plenty of info and help on this particular c.d, so fingers crossed that it works and I can finally quit and save some money.........