Yet more holiday madness...

Dec 05, 2006 23:58

As if my plate were not full enough, I have decided to go ahead and add t-shirt designs to my web site.  (Thank you, Cafe Press!)  The shirts are designed to appeal to both bead lovers and glass artists, and (hopefully) will not only generate a welcome bit of revenue, but also be another way of advertising my work and my website to a wider audience.  (That's the theory, anyway!)  Conveniently, the logo on the Cafe Press site links directly to the glass site, and I've added links on the McNeill Studios site that go directly to my store on Cafe Press.  So hopefully, some cross-pollination should occur!  *crosses fingers*

The shirts are available at  Since many of you are beaders, I welcome your input on the designs.  No, I'm not asking you to buy anything - just tell me what you think!


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