bitchbitch. my turn to rant.
Convo. 1:
Lufflyness: You fucking slut.
Trisheth: Sorry about that. ;o
Lufflyness: Go fuck yourself in the ass with a knife.
Trisheth: No thanks.
Trisheth: You don't control me.
Lufflyness: Seriously, you need help.
Lufflyness: Mental help.
Trisheth: I think I'm fine.
Trisheth: You don't even know me.
Lufflyness: Besides the whole, "ONG I'm SOOOOOO FAT I NEED TO STARVE MYSELF AND EXERCISE TIL I DIE" complex that already warrents mental institution status, you're so fucking two-faced that it's UNREAL.
Trisheth: You know what?
Trisheth: I was telling Joshy what I think.
Trisheth: Thats what I think of you,
Lufflyness: And what you think amounts to a pile of shit. Which is exactly what you are.
Trisheth: and I don't think it matters if you're skinny or fat. :D
Trisheth: Er, no? o_0
Lufflyness: If you think Lollie is a great person, you're fucking blind.
Trisheth: I like Lollie.
Lufflyness: She's the biggest hypocrite I have ever met.
Trisheth: And thats why I'm standing up for her.
Lufflyness: She preaches about the bible saying masturbation is a sin, then she tells people to go die and calls them whores, which is also a sin.
Lufflyness: And HER bible says that one sin is equal to another in God's eyes, no matter what.
Lufflyness: But it's okay for her to sin, but if any of us do it, we're whores.
Trisheth: i guess I'll just have to see that formyself then,
Trisheth: because she's still my friend
Lufflyness: It's in my LJ. Feel free go to see it.
Trisheth: I don't want to, it's okay.
Trisheth: I like being Lollie's friend.
Lufflyness: And she called Bradley fat and ugly, but when people call her boyfriend skinny and ugly, she goes ballistic and says how uncalled for it was.
Trisheth: and she dosent treat me or my friends like shit
Lufflyness: She brought my boyfriend into an argument before anyone brought hers into it.
Trisheth: sorry, but thats not my fight.
Trisheth: Thats between you and her.
Lufflyness: Yeah, and you jumped into it when you posted that comment.
Trisheth: Look, when people are mean to my friends,
Trisheth: it becomes my bussiness.
Trisheth: business*
Lufflyness: Then I guess I was never your friend. You're just as much of a liar as the rest of them.
Trisheth: I'm not a liar,
Trisheth: friends just come first.
Lufflyness: I was your friend.
Lufflyness: And I didn't come first.
Trisheth: Sorry if you're not always at the top of the list, but I have other friends to.
Lufflyness: That's why you're not my friend anymore.
Trisheth: You always came first, kaleena. Alway.
Trisheth: s
Lufflyness: That's a lie.
Lufflyness: You believed Uriah over me, KNOWING what he did to me.
Trisheth: No, it's not.
Trisheth: You know its not.
Lufflyness: No, it's the god damn truth.
Trisheth: You know how I gave up a friendship
Lufflyness: You're a sucky ass friend.
Trisheth: between Sunnie and myself
Trisheth: for YOU.
Trisheth: And there are so many of your "friends" out there who would have never done that.
Lufflyness: And yet, when you KNOW Uriah is a scammer, you believe him over me when he makes up a bullshit lie to cover his own ass.
Trisheth: I don't know he's a scammer.
Lufflyness: Oh, now I'm a liar. Yeah, friends really come first with you.
Lufflyness: No one else had my password. I changed it to uriahsfeetsmell JUST for Uriah.
Trisheth: I never called you a liar, Kaleena.
Lufflyness: There was NO ONE else it could have been, and my shit was gone. I TOLD you that.
Trisheth: How the fuck can you expect me to choose between my two friends?
Lufflyness: You did choose, and you didn't choose me.
Trisheth: Atleast I stayed with you,
Trisheth: even while your friends
Trisheth: abandoned you.
Trisheth: I still talked to you.
Lufflyness: No, you abandoned me with them.
Trisheth: You just don't get it.
Trisheth: You think everyones against you.
Trisheth: This fight started because of a suggestion I made.
Trisheth: And it'll only end if I say "I'm sorry".
Lufflyness: I don't think everyone is against me.
Lufflyness: I'm just very picky about my friends now because of the way a lot of them have turned out.
Trisheth: Then why do you act like it?
Lufflyness: A lot of people ARE against me.
Lufflyness: Lollie, for instance. I had dropped all of that shit with her, and she posts some entry about Kat and just HAS to mention that she hates me.
Trisheth: Why do you think they are?
Lufflyness: And mentions me by name.
Lufflyness: They IM me all the time, say a rude paragraph, and instantly block me before I can reply.
Trisheth: Why do you think i am?
Lufflyness: Because you accused me of being a scammer, and because of that thing you posted on my LJ.
Trisheth: You mean that suggestion?
Trisheth: The one saying
Trisheth: "I think you should make your entries private so people stop being brats"?
Lufflyness: That's not what it said.
Trisheth: or saying posting pictures of you fucking a lampshade was to far?
Lufflyness: Lampshade? o_O
Trisheth: Whatever it was you were sticking up your vagina.
Lufflyness: Look - This is really gay.
Kaleena, whats up with posting pictures of you naked? Do you like this sort of attention? Does it make you happy?
For awhile now, I've let you cross over me. I've listened to all your, "I hate this person, don't be their friend." I've heard your rants about Star and Lollie and Uriah and everyone else. You've tried to turn me against so many of my friends with the simple phrase: "Once you read this see what you think about her/him. You'll hate them." But you know what? I'm fucking tired of it.
You call me immature, but guess what, Kaleena? You fight like you're in seventh grade. You're still up on all that gossip and rumor shit, and yet you're how old, 21, 22? You need to just stop.
Not everyone in the world who suggests that you make your diary private is trying to hurt you. Some are trying to actually help you.
I'm not going to be stupid and post things like, "You're fat," because it'll turn around and bite me in the ass just like it'll one day bite you in the ass. To tell you the truth, I liked being your friend. And I know you liked being mine, too, so you can stop pretending like you didn't.
Trisheth: Thats after I made the suggestion
Trisheth: after you called me a bitch.
Lufflyness: Okay, ew. This is way to far, Kaleena.. You should make things like this private or atleast bearing the words, "You might not want to read this."
Trisheth: Thats it.
Lufflyness: Yeah, saying ew is real friend like.
Lufflyness: Saying I go too far in my own journal. Right.
Trisheth: Whats wrong with it? It was discusting.
Lufflyness: Only if you're a 9 year old sheltered child.
Lufflyness: Making love is not disgusting.
Trisheth: maybe not, but making love to a lampshade and taking a picture of it is.
Lufflyness: A candle. It was a candle.
Lufflyness: And I put that it was adult content.
Trisheth: Okay, making love to a candle.
Trisheth: The added ":P" at the end made it sound reasonable.
Trisheth: But I guess I can't fool you there: You did say that.
Lufflyness: Masturbation is not gross either.
Lufflyness: It's natural. I think you have a lot of growing up to do.
Trisheth: I'd prefer making love to things that are alive, not having to go to the hospital because you got one of them stuck up your vagina.
Lufflyness: XD I'm smarter than that.
Lufflyness: Yes, I do make love to someone who is alive.
Lufflyness: But, I don't believe in sex without love and commitment.
Lufflyness: So, when I don't have that love and commitment, and I get the natural urge, I'd rather use a candle than someone alive that I don't love.
Trisheth: Well, I don't believe in masturbation. Go figure.
Trisheth: Just because you do, and I don't dosen't make me "immature".
Lufflyness: Lol, you'll disagree in a few years, but okay. XD
Trisheth: I don't fuck lampshades. =D
Lufflyness: I think you're forgetting the fact that I'm a 21 year old ADULT. Friend or not, you have no say in what I do and how I do it.
Lufflyness: Neither do I.
Lufflyness: *smirk* Ask Sunnie about the various objects she's masturbated with.
Trisheth: I don't care if she believes in it or not.
Trisheth: The fact is, I don't and that dosent make me immature.
Lufflyness: It does in my opinion.
Trisheth: So you're calling me immature because I don't fuck candles?
Lufflyness: No.
Lufflyness: I'm calling you immature because you think masturbation is wrong.
Trisheth: Thats what it sounds like.
Lufflyness: Masturbation doesn't = candle.
Trisheth: I don't think masturbation is wrong,
Trisheth: i just dont do it.
Lufflyness: Well don't knock people who do.
Trisheth: I honestly don't care if you're fucking a candle right now.
Lufflyness: For you. *smiles sweetly*
Trisheth: FYI,
Trisheth: I havn't been going to you LJ.
Trisheth: So you can fuck off and stop making things up. <3
Convo. 2:
LufflyKaleena: Hello.
Trisheth: Hi.
LufflyKaleena: Sticking up for your annoying friend, aren't we?
Trisheth: Yeah, thats what I do. I stick up for my friends.
LufflyKaleena: Becuase I'm sick of all these morons blocking me. PLUS, I'm at my family's home.
LufflyKaleena: I don't care.
LufflyKaleena: You're an idiot for sticking with Lollie.
Trisheth: Then why are you aiming me?
Trisheth: If you don't care, then why bother?
LufflyKaleena: She is fat, mean, and annoying.
LufflyKaleena: Becuase, i want to.
LufflyKaleena: You should choose your friends more wisely.
LufflyKaleena: Becuase obviously you chose wrong.
Trisheth: I like my friends.
Trisheth: And my friends like me.
Trisheth: So its all good. =D
LufflyKaleena: Shut up you febile-minded bitch.
Trisheth: Nope,
Trisheth: because you aimed me first.
LufflyKaleena: You're the BIGGEST IDIOT for siding with Lollie.
Trisheth: And I'll I'm doing is replying to what you say.
LufflyKaleena: She is the Ugliest, Meanest, Stupidest thing to walk the earth.
Trisheth: And how can you blame me?
Trisheth: Oh, really?
Trisheth: I think she's quite pretty.
Trisheth: And she's funny.
LufflyKaleena: She's Hideous.
Trisheth: And she has a sweet side.
LufflyKaleena: Go to hell.
Trisheth: No thanks.
LufflyKaleena: I dont care anymore.
Trisheth: Then stop aiming me :-)