Hey Hey peoples!!!!

Dec 30, 2003 21:38

Whats goin on? Nothin much here. Today has been busy. I woke up and had to start my chilly for super tonight, cause we went over to my cousins. Well i got online for ahwile...then called megan....and as soon as we started talking the mother fucking fire alarm went off. So i got off the phone and went and stood outside for like 20 minutes....then like i came back in....and well sense my dad is the manager here he knows what the fuck was goin on and crap and he told me it was just a false alarm and the system was fuckin up.....so i went in started takin a shower....I was shavin, and then i nearly cut my fuckin leg off cause the damn thing scared the crap out of me and came on agian. So i hurryed out of the shower (i dont feel confertable just sitting there when there is a fire alarm even if it is just a fucked up alarm) then i get out and as soon as i do it stops...so i start puttin my lotion on....fuckin thing starts agian...grr.... So then after that crap my dad took me to my hair appointment, but he didnt get to stay guys the alarm people were here fixing the alarm. I got my hair done, it looks good, its shorter...im not gonna be able to put it up in a pony tail for awhile....and its like a purply red. Then I went home with Mary(my cousin) and waited till my dad got there....then we ate and crap....WE did our late christmas thing.....I got a mouse pad with like the hand resty thingy and a new wrist rest for the keyboard (you can tell everyone knows i love the comp). ANd we just got home from that.
We still have to network the two computers together and everything tonight. I also have to pack up all my crap.
Tomorow I am meeting my mom in denver at 3:30 to go home....YES!!! I get a cig then!!!! As soon as I get home I gotta start gettin shit ready for the party, Oh I cant fuckin wait!!!!
I have been goin into alot of ICP chats latly, I really do like them, there lyrics are funnyer then fuck. I met a really cool chick last night, she is also wiccan....we talked for quiet awhile about alot of shit....I dont even know her name...its kinda funny to have a great conversation with a person who you dont even know the name of.
I dont know what else to really say, I wont be online for awhile, I dont know when im going to get internet in nebraska...so i'll see ya all when i do!!
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