Not buying the BS doesn't make one "pro-pollution"

Dec 02, 2009 17:13

(Title based on a comment seen by someone upset by the global warming "deniers" exposing fraud)

I'm reading different sources about criticisms of the treatment of data, and treatment of dissenting voices, and the potential flaws in their models. One source (concerning the models) is a blog whose link I have posted below.

Unfortunately, I don't know if the politicians out there who are basing major world policy changes on this really care if the science is bad or if the whole theory is wrong. I think some of them want to make global changes and don't care what the justification is. I think some of them are doing this at their own peril, risking losing their jobs and power if the people under them get tired of having their lives drastically changed because of false pretenses.

There is NOT a consensus among scientists that a man-made global warming crisis is imminent or real. There is a petition with the signatures of over 31,000 scientists who say the crisis is not supported by science. The link for this petition is below.

Just because man-made global warming is not what Al said it was, does not mean that we as human beings should not be good to our mother earth. It makes perfect sense to be using renewable forms of energy WHEN AND WHERE PRACTICAL. Personally, we get our electricity from an energy company that generates it using only wind and solar generators. It is practical and possible here to do that. I believe that if you can use renewable energy, it's a good choice. It's not always practical. For example, Seattle would not be a good place for this. I believe nuclear energy, and natural gas, and fossil fuels, and other renewable sources combined can make enough energy for the entire planet. Keeping the options open is a good thing.

Okay, there's other news to talk about. I hope you all are keeping warm with the cooler weather heading to many of our areas.

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