Jun 06, 2011 19:04
Your Mandala Spread
Your Self Overall
Two of Swords
Relationships are rife with tension. Indeciveness may be a problem. The rhythm of life is well sensed, but without direction.
Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges
Four of Swords Reversed
Activity begins again. Success will be realized. Move with caution and wisdom as your guides.
Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment
Six of Cups Reversed
Preoccupation with the past. Overdependence on outdated ideas and morals.
Your Real Accomplishments and True Path
King of Swords
The ability to govern and give good advice. A powerful enemy and staunch friend. Strong, authorative and able to lead.
Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values
The Queen of Wands
The power to acquire that which is wanted. A productive mind and body. A loving nature. Success.
Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits
The World
This card represents the success in all its forms, liberation from want and a celestial consciousness.
Your Faults and Weaknesses
Five of Wands
There may be obstacles on your path. Courage will be required to overcome them.
Your Self Awareness and Self-Image
The Star
This is the card of hope, perception and revelation. Great love is possible and good health will be enjoyed.
Your Desires, and Higher Purpose
The Empress
This card represents wealth, marriage, fertility and cre