Syd and Weiss?
My new OTP, hands down. Sydney/Vaughn is dead, though I do hate his wife. No, Sydney (called "Syd" by Weiss -- how cute is that?) and Weiss are building toward something. Him helping her understand what's happened, the fact that they're neighbors, and their drunken heart-to-heart, followed by him buying her that book, are all the proof you need.
To fellow TP fans, about my fantasy `ships: Why is it that in every situation in Tamora Pierce's books where a female character is describing the man she ends up loving (and, coincidentally, sleeping with), she uses the adjective "giddy"?
In the Hand of the Goddess: When Jon kisses Alanna on her 17th birthday, she thinks of how she feels strangely giddy.
Realms of the Gods: Same thing here, with Daine and Numair's first kiss.
Squire: When Joren's parents barge in meaning to blame Kel for Joren's death and Raoul and Buri (my Tortall OTP) come out of his room wearing next to nothing (hee, I love that scene). Buri later says, "Oh, well, maybe I'm just giddy."
Trickster's Choice: When Nawat kisses Aly, she uses giddy to describe her feelings. Then later, Sarai uses the same word, but I forget ATM what she was referring to. Probably Bronau.
Speaking of Raoul/Buri, I was so excited to read the two mentions of them, although it was only about three sentences. PotS is still my favorite series, in part largely because it gave us a different view of the adults (Alanna, Gary, Jon, Raoul, and so on), focusing mostly on Raoul, and because it introduced the Raoul/Buri `ship.
Strange (yet cool), huh?