(no subject)

Mar 31, 2007 11:38

since I'm being prodded to update..... I will

Life is alright. I turned 18 last Monday, the 26, and of course like the good girl i am did nothing for it, I simply slept all day and then went out for an uneventful family dinner. My friends are being more dramatic then I like.... our "group" if you will is splitting up into smaller factions and being annoying and sneaky and exclusive to those not in their little faction... which i find really annoying as I try to stay neutral.. so yeah there's that.....

I went to Turkey last November... and had a hell of a time. I went on the trip because I love history not because I got along with anyone on it. So there were 3 girls including me, and out of everyone on the trip aprox: 18 I got along with 1 girl... Amy who i had gone with to Ethiopia the year before. She really can be a sweet girl and she was... until she started completely ignoring me because i would read in our room while the boys would smuggle beer into theirs ( our supervision was really crappy) and it was either hang out with me and keep her morals or hang out with 17 other people, and not be lonely. She didn't choose me, and I had a very hard time having no one to talk to in a foreign country for 2 and 1/2 weeks. Then I got really ill, and ended up in a hospital where no one spoke English with an IV in my arm, and if anyone had been paying attention it wouldn't have gotten so bad. Anyhoo....Amy and I are friends kinda... and since then she's been in and out of my life as it suits her. I was willing to move past Turkey.. but she keeps showing that side of her and since we never really resolved it ( at least in my mind) it continues to float into my thoughts, and pester me whenever i see her.

My mom is still crazy... crazy enough to be making me pay for college my self all 32,000 a year. MY SELF AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you say loans??????????? Debtors prison??? Bankrupt????!!!!! OH and that's not for Oberlin, but for Earlham, I want to come out in college...and was looking forward to knowing no one at all so i could do it.... but i already know some people going there who i met in the camp there i went to. So I'm a bit worried about how that could throw a wrench in my plans... but I figure I'll just try to explain to them i dunno.... something...

I may get a new laptop soon, which would make keeping up on this LJ infinitely easier, and I got a sweet cell phone for my birthday.

Oh and everyone remember A??? Well..... I still have a thing for her.... I think i complement her ( shes insecure so she will say that she's fat, or ugly or stupid of those she is neither, she's a size 2 and I think she needs to eat more, she's stunning.... think Alex Cabot A.K.A Stephanie March but younger... I'm not kidding... and no that's not why I like her... I liked her before I watched Law and Order, and she has a 4.1 or something like that) anyway i think I complement her a bit much when she starts downing herself but I try to keep my self in check.

So yeah, I'm still trapped in Ohio, in the closet, desperately wanting a girlfriend, wanting the hell out of here, and dealing with friend and family drama.
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