
Oct 29, 2008 01:07

So over the summer I'm going to Luxembourg for about a month. I'm going mostly to study, but we get weekends free to travel around Europe. Where should I go? The only places I really can't go are in Eastern Europe, because it's way too far to travel by train.

Also, I MIGHT spend some time in Europe after my study abroad trip, to backpack around, but that depends on whether or not I can find someone on the trip to travel with me. I'll already be in Europe, and it's been my dream to go backpacking through Europe for as long as I can remember. Any ideas of places you think I should go?

Right now I'm leaning towards England and the Netherlands...but if I end up staying for longer, I might want to spend some time in England then, because I miss it so much!! London is my favorite city in the universe. Gahhhh I'm so excited!!
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