Watch where you put that word!

Sep 28, 2006 06:53

Adventures in language.

"Do you have a rubber?"

"uh......oh. Yea, here. You might want to be careful calling it that to Americans they might misunderstand. Rubber is something else.... Eraser, we call it an eraser."

It was Wednesday Night pub night so I went out. 2 Swedes, 1 Swiss, 1 German, 2 Americans. We got discussing languages which in its own right was rather fun. Apparently Germany speaking germans might have difficulty with Swiss german, they are similar but have enough differences to not necessarily be mutually intelligible. The Swedes have their own fun. Apparently there is 1 swedish word that depending what region of sweden you are in means butt, balls, or penis. I think I won't learn that word... it could be dangerous to sling that thing around in conversation.

Now off the the Tbana and away I go.
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