Not So Awesome: My Ipod Nano is completely dead. First, part of the screen started fading months ago, and now the entire thing is dead. I am making an appointment with my local Mac store to see about me getting a new one or whatever those amazing Mac people do. I got you for X-mas last year! Why are you dead? Does Mac really just replace them? Please no dissing Mac, ok people? I am a true lover of them, but I do understand your distaste in them. Well, I mean, I can pretend to understand. Ha.
Totally Awesome: I have a watch that speaks French. It was an early birthday present from a friend.
And if Mac does me good and helps me out (ie. hands me over a nice, new shiny Nano ), then I am totally getting this after the holidays:
Hello, raise! Hello, saving money! I have a feeling that my current PC is going to crap out on me soon.