Day three dawned foggy as hell, but pretty nonetheless. Because I'm a whiny bitch, I can't recollect much sleeping (I won't bore you with details. seriously) but I got to sit and watch as it got progressively lighter. The sun didn't so much rise as appear suddenly at 11:00... but that was way after the day had started.
Clara and I chatted a bit, watching the fog over the warf and people walking their dogs. Some people Jesus-ed around over the water (we discovered later that they were standing on longboards and paddling around in the calm. But all we could see at the time was someone just standing on the ocean. It amazed us a bit.)
We had breakfast at Aldo's, this lovely little place right down at the harbor.
There were sailboats all around, and we decided that later in the week we're going to try to take some sort of boat cruise. Carmen's leaning towards whales. I just want to be on a boat.
On the way back to the house (after the sun rose) I managed to trip on nothing, go sprawling, and headbutt Carmen in the kidney. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt. Unfortunately, I think I startled Carmen.
We sat and read for a long while as the sun came in through the windows. Seriously nice to just chill sometimes. We went to this museum down the road slightly that has this big fake whale outside. Carmen wanted to sit on the whale, but it was overrun by children. We then went to walk down to the boardwalk in the sun.
I then managed to slip on a hill, twist my right ankle, and tear up my left leg (not that you can really see it in this picture that Clara snapped of me after the fact).
So we turned around and went back to the house, and read for a couple more hours as I iced my foot. We eventually decided food was needed, so Clara took us out to West Cliff (since I could hobble around again)
Carmen admired the local wildlife!
And so did Clara!
The Surf Museum was right there, so we took a look around inside. Clara bought a model VW bug that has a surfboard on top, and then took us on the scenic tour on the way back.
And we also saw a guy who looked like his dog
Clara's aunt and uncle came over for dinner and we had a wonderful steak dinner. There will most likely be a post later during our stay about the Digital Media Factory, which Marty and Ginny own and I'm super excited about
Finishing it off, just gonna give you that same picture of the image from the deck, but in the day!
Well, so third day was fun, if a bit painful. :D Now i'm off to chat with the others to the tune of people down on the beach making noise for another hour