Fic List

Feb 11, 2020 15:08

I've recently identified that I'm terrible at tagging. Every bit of nonsense I've written about Skins is here, including very early stuff. Brace yourselves!

Not one of these characters are mine, and are merely borrowed in order to play.


RPF should not be taken seriously. It is for fun. I recognise that the vast majority of co-workers everywhere are not shagging, and am fully willing to place all of the Skins cast in this category.

Skin Generation 2

Spilt the Difference, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, WIP. This is a Katie/Effy fic that I will finish sometime before forever.

Better off Different. Festive fic C/N friendship fic written for the fabulous Graham

The Best Ones Always Leave. Post bouncy-castle mayhem

How We Fell Apart...Freffy fic, *shrugs* Set between S3 and S4

Autumn Thoughts. Naomi/Emily resolution with Katie, set between S3 and S4.

Role Reversal, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. An experiement JJ pov fic that spiralled out of control.

Fall Out. Katie and Emily interaction after Love Ball

Miniature Miracles. Emily gets drunk. Yeah, I got nothing else.

Out of the Loop. Cook returns to Bristol, Naomi helps him catch up. Set between S3 and S4.

Day Trip, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. My favourites dicking about on a beach.

Gordon McPherson says...  Naomi babysits for James Fitch. Utter nonsense.


Cook drabbles, set after S4.Ep2

Katie drabble

Ensemble drabbles

Naomi drabble

Skins RPF

Unexpected Things. Kaya fancies Lily, has a subtlety fail.

The One Thing I Shouldn't Miss. The end of filming

The Blame Game. A tiny Lily drabble.

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