I think my eyeballs may be about to fall out of their sockets. Stupid goddamn linguistics assignment. Why could it not have been straightforward? Why must a simple half-essay thing have been so much trouble? Seriously. I want to pull limbs off right now.
I found this
article via a SPN newsletter. It makes me smile. Apparently Supernatural is supergay. yeah, like I didn't already know that. So that makes me slightly happy.
But then I remember I still have to type up that Stupid assignment. No longer happy. :-(.
Today on the bus from Uni to the city, there was this ugly, scrawny guy sitting facing me, but a row in front of me, AND I SPENT THE WHOLE TRIP STARING AT HIS CROTCH. Why? Because it was BIG. No, seriously. HUGE. I have never seen anything like it before. You know how you cross your arms and some people can rest them on their stomach? HE COULD REST HIS ON HIS LARGE GROIN.