Also I know! Poor Jensen! I FEEL BAD. Especially considering I am totally convinced Jared and Jensen are boyfriends. BUT. I AM ALL FOR MISHA/JARED. I feel like I am betraying friends here!
I really love Misha and his immediate introduction and acceptance of fandom. And thinking Jensen and Jared are boyfriends. I'm all for it if J2 want to include poor little Meeeesha. Or give him to me. Either way...
I vote they give him to you, because then I can come and play visit.
I love his intro to fandom. I was just on the Hub site looking for the schedule (am currently working on recap) and they had up fanmail addresses for J2, but nothing for Misha because they couldn't find one. And I'm guessing he doesn't HAVE one because he wouldn't have been expecting all the sudden obsession love! <3
Also I know! Poor Jensen! I FEEL BAD. Especially considering I am totally convinced Jared and Jensen are boyfriends. BUT. I AM ALL FOR MISHA/JARED. I feel like I am betraying friends here! really, write it. I WANT TO READ.
I ain't writing it, but I can give you the gist of the mental image. Basically, due to my first icon, Jensen in a cage forced to watch.
I really love Misha and his immediate introduction and acceptance of fandom. And thinking Jensen and Jared are boyfriends. I'm all for it if J2 want to include poor little Meeeesha. Or give him to me. Either way...
I love his intro to fandom. I was just on the Hub site looking for the schedule (am currently working on recap) and they had up fanmail addresses for J2, but nothing for Misha because they couldn't find one. And I'm guessing he doesn't HAVE one because he wouldn't have been expecting all the sudden obsession love! <3
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