On the 27th of last month, I began doing a post in procrastination, but forced myself to stop due to pressing needs to do work. I am now procrastinating again, so I bring you that post. Unchanged, just finished a bit. Hahaha.
27 October, 2008
My new camera arrived (YAY!) and it has only just occurred to me I cannot utilise it until I purchase a better memory card (seriously - the one it comes with is 32mb. What's that, one photograph?). ANYWAY. My new camera is wonderful. EPICALLY WONDERFUL.
It is a Canon IXUS970IS, with 10 mega pixels and 5x optical zoom and a billion other features which I have no idea of, and probably never will due to laziness regarding the user manual. BUT ITS SHINY AND PRETTY. With it came a $35 VISA card voucher, so I will probably use that in order to buy another memory card. Or camera bag, or something. HAHAHAHA. IT IS SUMMER AND I WILL HAVE A PRETTY CAMERA YAY.
In addition to my new camera arriving, my amazon.com order of 3 volumes of Junjou Romantica arrived as well. YAY. My obsessive tendancies emerge, yet again.
So - quoting myself from exactly a year ago:
Around this time of the year, when exams are approaching....
1. I do not study, and then panic and write in caps lock a lot
2. I develop new obsessions and obsesss violently (hence, prince of tennis)
3. I take pictures of my bedroom like an insane person for some unknown reason and then post it for everyone to see.
A few months ago I swapped bedrooms with my sister - my big room in exchange for her tiny little room with the proviso that the spare bedroom (junkroom) became my study. Apparently one room is not big enough for all my shit? hahaha.
So I now bring you the photos. Of course I didn't clean or anything. I just tried to avoid taking photos of the mounds of rubbish on the floor.
If you want comparisons (BUT WHY WOULD YOU CARE SO MUCH, I HAVE NO IDEA), haha you can check out a
previous post of mine where I have photos of my room since 2000.
This is what my old room now looks like - my sister is as big a pig as I ever was, but she has about 90% LESS CRAP then I do. Also, half my clothes are still in her cupboard. Whoops
This is the view of my new room from the doorway, including the door. Nice and tiny, eh? It is daylight outside, however I could not be bothered opening the blinds so instead will waste electricity.
This is a closer view of my bed, workstation, tv lounge, dining room, etc etc. MY BED IS SO USEFUL. Also, note my storage space. I initially went shopping with my mom to help find storage stuff for my sisters room (when my sister still lived in it) and was all THIS IS THE MOST USEFUL THING EVER BUY IT NOW. And then was jealous because my sisters room got a remodel thanks to me. Hahaha.
An even closer view, this time including the storage space and bookshelf! Note Byakuya sitting on my pillow. Also, in case you were wondering, the thing on the right hand side is my ipod speakers/alarm clock/radio/SO USEFUL.
This is my bedside bookshelf - not my only bookshelf, as my 2 giant bookshelves have now migrated to my study.
the top of my bookshelf, including: remotes, 2 versions of The Little Prince and one of two versions of Anderson Cooper's book that I have, a karate trophy, a stargate medallion, a Prince of Tennis poster and my corner of geekiness <3!
With the open cupboard - proving I lied about a 'corner' of geekiness. It emerges yet again.
What's IN the open cupboard . I love that stupid TINY orange clock, unfortunately the ticking drives me insane so it has to be locked away.
the opposite side of my room. Note the hidden dvd, vcr and foxtel machines.
on the back of my door
THE STUDY: with a sneak peak of Johnny Depp. The stuff on my shelves hasn't changed much, just a billion rows of DVDs and uni files. Note the tower of VHS tapes though! One day I will go through them....one day.
What has changed is that Kyou Kara Maou is so awesome it deserved its own shelf <3!
The desk, looking unnaturally clean. I just got my camera, so that provides the only mess. Otherwise my desk never looks this clean. Normally it towers with junk and textbooks. Also, surprisingly my laptop desktop has remained this neutral wallpaper for the last month or so, which is very unhappy. I remember the days of Christsasuke. Good times!!
And next to my desk you have my other bookshelf, which is mostly my law textbooks, plus other random textbooks, legislation, my Stargate shelf, some random books and then just piles of paper I am too lazy to organise (I think that was cut out of the photo though, ahaha)
Also, because I am vaguely insane - have some Prince of Tennis music, namely the 3 new TezukaxSanada singles. WHICH ARE INSANE AND WONDERFUL.
Sabashii NettaigyoSomething about a lonely tropical fish?
Banana no NamidaFrom what I gather via google-fu, despite the title being about Banana's Tears, it actually isn't about bananas. Which is actually quite disappointing. Apparently its about how guys can't understand females, how they can go from one emotion to the other and they have no idea how to abate them. Or something. I will continue thinking its a song where two boys sing about bananas. OK?
Also, this is the most wonderfully catchy song EVER. I listen to it on repeat far too often.
Zousan no ScantyI have no idea what 'scanty' is meant to be, but one site said "scant + panty = scanty". This viciously pleased me. However, the zousan = elephant, so elephant's scant panties? YEAH. HAHAHA OH GOD WONDERFUL. Again, rather than it being about barely-there elephant panties, this song is about the courtship procedure or such of couples, according to one site. BUT INSTEAD LETS PRETEND IT IS ABOUT ELEPHANTS UNDERWEAR! <3333