Stolen from
napkins because it sounded like fun procrastinatory fun, and you know how I like to do that.
The deal is, head on over to, look up the questions listed below, and write down the first definition given:
1.) Your name:
Lauren a beautiful girl whom makes you go crazy .
ahhh, look at her , she's such a lauren . . . 2.) Your age:
21: The age at which one is finally considered human.
3.) One of your friends:
Fern: A fake friend, a friend that is acting like a fake plant.
4.) What should you be doing?
Writing an essay:
an excuse commonly used (esp. by males) to justify locking ones self in a room (often bedroom) for the purpose of fulfilling ones daily masturbational quota/to listen to speed garage.
5.) Your favourite colour:
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it
6.) Your birthplace:
biggest, baddest city in South Africa, where the diamond smugglers mingle with the carjackers to make life strange.
7.) Last person you talked to:
BeiBei (yes, I know, old spelling): Simply put it means the devil. Can be used anytime in normal slang
8.) Last thing you had to drink:
Water: The 4th element required to summon Captain Planet9.) Your nickname
I haven't had a nickname in YEARS, but I used to be called Lolly up until age 13:
Australian version of candy.
Therefore also used to mean an ecstacy tablet (which is sometimes called candy).