Sep 24, 2007 11:30
As I reached about eight posts in a row that looked identical to my OMGWTFLJ post, it occured to me how hilarious it must be to all the normal people. I am at Uni at the moment, having fixed my VPN connection, which a few weeks ago suddenly spazzed out and refused to work. Which is good for me - because it meant limited distractions. Again, here I am.
I thought I would extend upon my hysterical breakdown I had in synagogue on Saturday, at least for memories sake. So, okay, I went to Shul in the morning, which was fine and dandy, and left to go home to begin cleaning as Yizkor started (everyone gets kicked out except for those who have lost one or more parents). I went back later, for about 2 hours before breaking of the fast, with my older sister, who attends Shul even less regularly than I do (and by that I mean once a year). So we are standing up (and sitting. And then standing. And sitting again. Followed by some more standing and sitting), next to some friends, and in my daydreaming-obviously-not-focusing, I notice that on the Bimah (the little platform thing where the Rabbi stands, along with about 5 older men, was a fairly youngish looking guy.
Now, he caught my eye at first because a)he wasn't about 60, and b)because he had potential to be attractive. He was tall and slim and had a nice enough face - in a dorky, "I'm a nerd" kind of way. And that was okay. Then he started to sing. I didn't hear him because everyone was singing, but his face. It was like a theatre production from the 1800's or something, when everyone had to use BIG DRAMATIC facial expressions. It was HILARIOUS. But I kept it to myself, in case the people around me knew him (and I am always putting my foot in my mouth with this sort of thing). But after about half an hour of trying to keep myself under control, I mentioned it to my older sister.
"YOU TOO? I thought I was the only one that had noticed! I've had to look away to stop myself from laughing," She said to me, and that was it. We both looked at the same time, and fortuitously (or not), his voice rang out loud and clear. And, oh my god. This guy was at least 23, but it sounded like his voice had not broken yet. And he sang with his DRAMATIC!FACE. I looked away, but heard my sister laughing under her breath.
And that was it. I was shaking with laughter, my face was bright red and tears were streaming down my face. My friend sitting next to me was laughing too, because laughter is contagious, and was all "WHAT IS SO FUNNY." I couldn't even answer. FOr the next hour and a bit I had to study my belly button, because if I looked up I would die of laughter.
Another issue was that my friend had pointed out, in the men's section, a quite attractive man. Me being me, who has no trace of subtlety, stared. Eventually my friend is "OH MY GOD. STOP IT. I CANNOT BE SEEN WITH OUT. THEY WILL NOTICE."
This happens to me often.
I should probably actually start work now, or something.
Except! INSTEAD, thanks to the wonder that is Disney, I am obsessing. We all know how much I enjoyed HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, and how distraught I am that I won't get to see it until it is either released on DVD, or screened on normal tv (or if some kind soul sends it to me). I did watch the VERY INCREDIBLY GAY baseball song (which I, of course, love)scene on youtube. Which, as well as rageprufrock's waltz, has gotten me seriously on the bandwagon for Chad/Ryan. YAY! WANT NOW PLEASE.
*sobs* I MUST SEE HSM 2! To deny me it is TORTURE.
high school musical,