Jul 26, 2007 22:53
I have realised, beyond the PAINFUL number of crap stories, why I hate FF.N so much. It's that I get REALLY annoyed, like, out-loud SCREAMING, when I see the little authors notes saying, "r & r! whether i decide to continue this story depends on how many ratings i get!" AND IT IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING I COULD SCREAM. Seriously. I am VICIOUSLY trying not to throw my laptop across the room. The fics I read are generally of an okay to high quality, and seeing that at the bottom just RUINS it.
So, we have 3 cats, right?
Our two little girls, and then Rupert - the big, angry, ginger cat who likes to eat people (and cats) for fun. We also sort of have a cat that lives here sometimes - I call him White Cat. Because it's white. Anyway - it comes here at least once a day, and normally spends a good portion of the day/night here. It sleeps on the beds, eats the food, etc. Normally the cats all hiss at each other, but there only has been one big fight in which there was like, a CARPET of clumps of white fur all over the house. Anyway - last night? At about 12 30, right outside my window, I hear cats fighting. But not normal fighting - you know when they really go at it and start SCREAMING? So of course I leapt out of bed, almost knocking my own cat out, and went barrelling outside - shrieking as I did so. I turned on all the lights, but unfortunately at one end of my garden the light doesn't reach there so I couldn't see what was going on and didn't want to get in the middle of what looked like a vicious fight - so I had a towel and was like, WHACKING them to stop, and eventually the White Cat got an opportunity to haul ass over the fence and scamper away. And Rupert was just sitting there, and if you know my cat, after he's been fighting/riled up, the last thing you want to do is touch him (risking my life = not fun). From what I could see he was still upright and not bleeding...so I cooed at him before trudging off the cold, wet bricks and back to bed.
The point is, this morning, while running late to catch the bus, I found Rupert just...sitting by the dining room table. This is most unusual. Normally he has spread himself over the furniture, is howling at the front door to be let out (seriously - he refuses to use the cat flap), howling for food or trying to eat our other cats. So I approached him to pat him. That's when I saw his eye. His left eye was shut, and that...white stuff making like a tear stain down his cheek, and blood on the other side. I sort of staggered away in horror, and was all, ARGH! MOTHER! MOTHER! VET! RUPERT NEEDS VET!
So she came and looked at him (he refused to let us touch him = bad, because normally he DELIGHTS in letting you touch him...just so he can claw you and latch on to you so he can bite you) and then sort of fell out the door to go to the vet to fetch a cat cage for him. Meantime, I was running even later for Uni. She came back about 10 minutes later, because unfortunately the vet wasn't open yet. So I headed out to try and get to uni for my class....and my mother phoned my dad to come back home from work so he could struggle and put Rupert in his cage.
In the end it wasn't as bad as I was imagining (I have an overactive imagination, I can tell you that) - the vet gave us pills and eye drops and Rupert is busy sleeping in the safety of my parents room.
The white cat, however, isn't going to be so lucky. I am forbidden now from letting the poor thing stay in our house - I have to be mean and chase it away. This saddens me because I'm not sure whether it has a home or not. SIGH.
In other fun and exciting news, tonight at work? Biggest ferals/bogans fight yet. I work in a food court in a shopping centre/mall and Thursday night is late night shopping. Not meaning to sound racist - but of course I will - normally it is the Aboriginal people that come and kick up shit. Other times, its DADA wearing, skin heads. But mostly Aboriginals. Anway. Tonight was exceptional. So there was a whole group of them - youngish, I guess, and from what I gather the boy was kicking the girl around a bit, and next thing you know, there are TABLES AND CHAIRS flying through the air - and glass shattering and screaming. So we all stop what we're doing and turn to watch, and there is this huge group throwing mugs and cups and bottles and chairs and tables at each other - and seriously, we are on the second floor - half of these things ended up being thrown over the balcony onto unsuspecting shoppers below.
Then, the Aboriginal guy who was kicking the girl around, went zooming past where we work, with this HUGE guy chasing after him - presumably to stop him from kicking the girl around and to detain him for security.
In any event, security at Galleria is woefully inadequate - the most they have are tiny, skinny guys who wouldn't stand a chance against the people that come here. It is so feral now - it didn't used to be this way! My bosses wife and I stood around - she's ex-South African too - and we gave each other a look and just knew we were both thinking totally racist thoughts. But seriously - SO FERAL.