Dear Torchwood,
Thank you SO MUCH for being so awesome. Really. You are one of the best shows I know. Especially after the episode entitled Captain Jack Harkness. I have so much love. SO MUCH LOVE.
Forever yours (to do with, what you wish).
God. That episode was the BEST THING EVER.
And then I found
THIS picspam - which I hereby dub one of the BEST THINGS to come out of LJ. God. It is so awesome. All it was missing was CKR in his nice mankissing role. Which, um, I may have just bought of ebay. Right now. I suck. However = hot.
I also uploaded a whole fuckload of new icons for me! Note my pretty current one! And, how
wurlocke's icons seem to make up my majority! Anyway. If you're bored,
go have a gander at my icons and tell me which one/s you like the best!! I even have non-moving ones. Hahahaha.
Anyway. The point of this entry was just to extol (is that a word?) upon you the fantasticness of Torchwood.
OH! And Robin Hood began here in Australia on TV last night - I'm so excited! I have the first seven episodes, and LOVED IT, and have been waiting! Yay!