I am back!

Feb 12, 2007 14:05

I have returned, my pretties! Nine days and I survived with no internet! No flist! I had a peek last night when I got in, but there is just WAY too much for me to even try to catch up. I am, at the moment, trying to set up my laptop (OMG THE DRAMA) and will then catch up on TV. And then sleep. And then somehow go to work tomorrow.

Just a funny little story: apparently, men like the movie 'top gun'. Who would have thought? Women like it for obvious reasons - hot men, shirtless volleyball, awesome planes...sexual tension...ANYWAY. I bought a t-shirt that has the top gun logo on it (IT IS SO AWESOME I HAD TO OWN IT) and wherever I go people are like - TOP GUN! I LIKE IT! So anyway, I get on the plane, and I'm sitting there, and one of the guy flight attendant guy walks past and looks at me, and shouts TOP GUN! and grins and says something about an announcement he does, but didn't plan on doing this flight. All I could say was "I DIDNT MEAN TO WEAR THIS TOP! NO IRONY HERE!". Anyway.

So a couple times during the flight this guy would walk past and grin and say "TOP GUN!" and walk off before I could reply. Then, just as we are getting ready to descend, he walks past is all, "Hey top gun! You must listen real well to the final broadcast, okay?" and I'm like...uuuuh....okay?

So as we're driving down the tar mac, and like I didn't see this coming, the freaking Top Gun theme music comes through the speakers, the entire plane turns and grins at me, and the guy is using an American accent and top gun slang in the usual "welcome to blahblah, seats in upright positions, thank you, etc etc"....I think I was slightly horrified. My favourite line from his cute (and funny!) speech thing was about the exits --- "Keep in mind your closest exit may in fact be behind you.....like a stalker". I giggled.

Anyway. Also, because I am LAMELAMELAME, while I was in Adelaide I embarrassed myself greatly by forcing whoever I was with at the time to let me take these photos:

Make them bigger. Seriously. You won't regret it. It makes me want to write SGA fic where Sheppard and McKay have rivalling businesses that have nothing to do with each other but because they are Sheppard and McKay....yeah. :-). I grinned a lot. I will also post up pictures from my trip in another entry - this one will just have my travel journal, which I do not expect you to read! It is SO VERY LONG. So:
Highlights of my trip
  • Plane rides = AWESOME. I love flying so much.
  • Seeing all my friends again.
  • Tripping down a stair that was about three centimeters high and scraping half my knee off
  • Embarrassing myself twice over on two separate occassions trying to sort out my laptop
  • Cooing over Adelaide
  • Claire's attractive sharehousemate who likes awesome TV shows and movies
  • The final saturday night getting pissed and dancing like a loon and walking up through the city singing Moulin Rouge songs
  • House marathon at Katherine
  • All the twenty billion chocolate bars Adelaide has.
  • Falling down a second time and scraping ALL OF MY KNEE off and bleeding on my new dress
  • Spending ten days eating nothing but CRAP and 2 homemade meals. =not awesome.
  • Sitting at the wrong busstop for 50 minutes.
  • Top Gun!

February 2nd, 2007

I begin the day by doing something I can't remember, but it follows by frantically trying to pack my bag and be ready by 3:40pm. I then migrate to the local shopping centre as I need a pair of sneakers, some small gifts for the people I'm staying with. Also, I need a new toothpaste. Possibly something else. My mom wants to find a swim shirt and goggles. I also need to visit to DMV (or whatever it is called in Perth...DPI?) as my learners license will be expiring while I'm interstate and so I need to renew it.

However: I get really frustrated and panic over little things, so shopping+not being ready + waiting OVER AN HOUR at the DPI = PANICPANICANGERANGERANGER.

So I eventually get sneakers - nice, pretty Nike's!!! Plus some small gifts, and spend my HOUR waiting at the DPI and renew my L's (plus book my test, because the lady was really insistent...but I will probably cancel because there is no way I can learn to drive in 3 months.)

At about 2pm, I finally got home and collapsed into my (unmade) bed and stayed there for about half an hour. At the same time, due to my STUPIDSTUPIDLAPTOP, I was busy loading my CD's onto the other laptop to actually re-do my ipod. That computer got very, very hot.

Then, suddenly, it was 3:45pm, and I still hadn't finished packing, discovered the bag I was using had a broken handle and therefore made wheeling it VERY DIFFICULT. But I hurdled off to the car, dragging my TWENTY FOUR KILO bag, plus togbag, plus laptop into the car.

I left: my bin full (and disgusting), my bed unmade (no sheet or anything), my room unvaccuumed, toothpaste.

I got to the airport just after 4pm (and saw Jamie from Big Brother), and waited a while for Libby to get there so we could request to be seated together. We did that okay, and then sat around for half an hour just waiting for this STUPID cafe to get our iced chocolates or whatever. They finally arrived just as our flight started boarding. So I said goodbye to the mother and sibling, and Libby and I trundled off to our gate. At security, we shoved everything through the scanner...
AND THEN I HAD TO WAIT AROUND AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN WHILE LIBBY PANICKED ABOUT TIME. For serious. Who didn't tell me that laptops have to go through SEPARATELY and not RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR BAG UNDERNEATH EVERYTHING. I had to take EVERYTHING out of my togbag and then toss my laptop through the screening, managed to fling the discs for it at some poor, unsuspecting Asian couple and made the secvurity guard giggle. So we finally finish up at security, and move upstairs to the departures area, and then are finally on the plane! Yay! I find out that when Libby was flying over the ocean, back from America, her plane suddenly took a sharp downward dive for about 10 seconds before levelling and no one on the flight explained why. She was a bit terrified and clutched my arm. I marvelled at flying. I love flying. I considered regailing her with tales of all the planedisaster!movies I watch, and shows like Air Crash Investigation, except then I felt bad so didn't.

The plane ride was uneventful - since it's Virgin Blue, you don't get inflight entertainment or free food - so I bought some Malaysian chicken and rice or something. It was very nice. I attempted to read my book (War and Peace, Tolstoy) and by just CHANCE, Libby had bought Anna Karenina. We thought it was hilarious. We listened to ipod's, and looked at photos and before I knew it, we were on top of Adelaide!

I cooed. I seriously cooed. I missed this city like you would not believe.

I was met at the airport by Nicole, Julia, Kate and Bonnie, which was awesome! We all piled into Kate's car and headed off to Norwood for some food and coffee, and I cooed some more. Norwood! The parade! Hoyts! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. We caught up a bit, and about eleven thirty we said goodbye and I went off to Nicole's HUGEHUGEHUGE house for the night. The two of us fell into bed about 1am, where I slept like a baby until the HOTHOTHOT sun woke me up the next day.

3rd February, 2007. Saturday.

So. I wake up at like, 7am as a thirty-nine degree sun is shining STRAIGHT THROUGH the window. I doze until about 9am, then give up trying to sleep entirely. I lie there for a while, and at half past get up and wake Nicole up. We shower, have breakfast and get ready. I then have to ask her father to drive me to the computer shop where I bought my laptop so I can exchange it. So I lug my laptop over there, explain my situation to the guy while feeling really stupid ("Uh...it crackles at me and then doesn't work?") and he disappeared for a while before returning with a new box. Since I didn't bring my box back, nor did I need it, he just pulled the laptop out and handed it to me, and told me to keep my previous adaptor and the such. I shoved it into my bag, and then Nicole and I walked across the road to the bus stop, and headed into the city. I cooed again, for quite a while. We met up with Hannah, WHO CRUSHED ALL AIR OUT OF ME and walked around for a bit before getting lunch (yucky pie). That preceded more walking around with me cooing, before we stopped in at Starbucks (since when does Adelaide have starbucks!) for an iced chocolate. I think somewhere after this, Nicole and I headed back up to her place. It was quite a hike from the bus stop to her house with the laptop. Well...ESPECIALLY with the laptop.

We collapsed into her TV room, where I decided to pull out my new laptop and check it actually WORKED....and then realised in their decision to not give me any new plugs, we had all not remembered that the laptops don't come with their batteries already put in - it is kept with the plugs. So I was a battery short of a working laptop. I felt stupid again. But it was too late to go back, so I would have to wait until Monday. Not long after, I again ha d to make her parents drive me around - this time to Katherine's house. She and her boyfriend, Christopher, live together in this awesome little apartment. I arrived over there and was nosy and looked through all their stuff before we had to jet out again - Katherine had to go over to her parents for dinner and I was heading off to Julia's house. At Julia's we lay around a bit, and then got ready for our night out. I, being the individual that I am, did NOT wear a dress like everyone else, but wore camel coloured pants and a white singlet with a brown belt on it.

That night it was me, Julia, Hannah, Bonnie and Katherine. We went to a pub/bar/thing called The Exeter and had a beer (well, Julia, Katherine and I had a beer - Bonnie and Hannah had girl drinks). We also ran into Julia's older brother. From there we headed off, on Hannah's insistence, to a place called Fumo Blue or something like that. It served cocktails at 13 bucks so I chose to save my money. In there we sat in a booth and took cleavage photos. After that we headed out, and ran into Esther, Raquel and a girl I didn't know. We also saw some guy from Home and Away (I've always thought he was attractive, mind you). After that we headed off together to....PJ O'Briens where I had a Vodka Guava or something, and took to the dance floor to dance to awesome music like JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! And...'sweet home alabama'. We were there for a bit, before heading off once again to The Stag hotel. That one was pretty nice - I had another vodka guava or whatever it is called, and danced a bit and then hung out on the balconey. We then, in true fashion, headed off to Hungry Jack's to get FOODFOODFOOD. I met Hannah's boyfriend, Heath, and he is pretty awesome.

After HJ's, we caught a taxi home. About an hour and a half later, at 3 30am, I finally dropped off to sleep. I'm also pretty sure Katherine showed me some of her comedy stuff.

4th February, 2007. Sunday.
While I woke up fairly early according to Katherine/Christopher time, aka about 11am, they snoozed for a while. At some point Hannah came and we loaded all my crap into her car and headed out to Norwood for some lunch/tea/coffee/whatever. We also saw a movie with Christopher and Katherine....the one with Will Farrall. It was craptastic. I went to Hannah's for a while after that, and spent half the day trying to get in contact with my friend Kate, who was meant to put me up for the night. But she just never got back to me. So I had dinner at Hannah's house, and was scared by her TINY TINY DOG which spent the entire night barking at me, while the other one licked my feet. Have I mentioned I have teeeeeeny tiny fear of dogs? Anyway. After that we went out for yet MORE coffee and about an hour later I went back to Katherine's to stay the night again. Katherine and Christopher are really awesome. Again we were up until 3 30am talking.

5th February, 2007. Monday.
At about 10am, I got a call from Hannah reminding me I was meant to be meeting her in the city at 11am and so fell out of bed and scrambled around Katherine's apartment trying to get ready while not making any noise. I succeeded, as both she and Chris slept on and I awkwardly left a note saying "you were sleeping, I am running late, call you later!" and fell out of their house. They have this TINY TINY step less than a metre down their footpath, and me being me, I fell down it. Luckily for me, despite the heat I decided to wear long pants that day and so they shielded me. Mostly. I sort of ran down the main street searching for a bus stop to take me to the city, and was SO CONFUSED when on BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD each bus stop had the timetables for to/from the city. So I stood on the side that made most sense and luckily a bus came about ten minutes later saying "to city". Bus fare is expensive in Adelaide. REALLY. I also checked out myself for war wounds. I found a lovely bleeding gash on my right knee.

It was also ridiculously hot on this day, and felt bad lugging Hannah around. We first went to the Metro centre to find a bus that went up the main road to the computer shop so I could get my battery. We found out easily enough, and like 15 minutes later I was standing awkwardly in the shop explaining that yeah, I had been there on Saturday and FORGOTTEN THE LAPTOP BATTERY. I think the guy was kind of attractive, too. Anyway. Five minutes in the shop and he gives me the battery while I feel awkward and stupid, and then spend the rest of the day lugging this battery around. But at least I now had a complete laptop! On this note, I have just discovered that this laptop, while the same make, is NOT the same XP edition (home instead of professional) and the RAM is less than it should be. However: I CANNOT BRING MYSELF TO CARE.

So we trudge back to the city after this, hot and tired. And we go in search of FOODFOODFOOD. We eat and talk and all of this, and afterwards go stalk Julia at her work. We buy yoghurt. I give her the money in small coin denominations. Hahaha. I almost get her in trouble as I give her the correct amount, and she returns and says "Here is your change" and I almost blurt out "But I gave you the right amount" when I realise it is the money, in note form, I just gave her. Free yoghurt! She goes on her break a few minutes later, so we sit around together. Then Hannah and I trot off. At about three I sprint back to Katherine's place as both are going out and no one will be home for me to collect my stuff. I do not think through this plan. I get there as Chris is walking out the door and he gives me a funny look. He expected someone to pick me and my stuff up. I feel really stupid. Then shove him out the door and promise I will get in touch with someone and that if he doesn't leave, he will miss his bus. I sit around for about forty five minutes trying to get in touch with Hannah, but fail. I contact Claire, my next host buddy and ask what bus route to get on. I look at a mapbook and realise it would be fairly close to walk there, too. I THEN realise there is no way I can drag my HUGE suitcase with me. So. I leave another note, and message Katherine, just to check if it's okay for me to leave my giant suitcase there overnight, pack up a togbag and trudge out into the heat again.

As I am walking down one of the main roads, it occurs to me that I MAY BE WALKING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION so nervously stop and look around and be generally panicky. I then call Claire, who assures me I am going in the right direction (she has started walking to meet me halfway). We see each other across an intersection. We walk for about fifteen minutes to her place, a sharehouse that she's just recently moved into and she tells me about her two (male) housemates. One apparently does weed a lot, and subsequently has conversations with her like, "The fridge spoke to me last night. It told me that the kitchen is like a solar system; the sink is a black hole, the chair is a galaxy..." and is about 30 or something, but is otherwise really cool. The other guy, in his 20's, is attractive (but has a girlfriend) and plays in a band. He also likes The X-Files, Star Trek and BUffy (and The Boondock Saints and Cube, as I found out. HURR?).

We go in, and she shows me where I will be sleeping (the living room, only room with a ceiling fan) and we then go to the kitchen and get frozen grapes. I meet her dreadlocked, druggie housemate (Matt) who really IS cool. Except I, being who I am, feel all shy and useless so say basically nothing. We go sit outside, as it is cooler and he joins us. Throughout this time, some other random people (some attractive!) drop by from the house next door. Then Claire and I decide to walk up to the shops to get some food to last us my trip. We get:

Ice Magic, ice cream, toffee topping, grapes, bread, crackers and cheese and dip....all the healthy stuff.

We return and put the icecream in a cone and attempt ice magic on the top. Not a good idea. We slurp it down anyway. We invite Ebony over. She arrives a bit later and we sit outside talking, before retreating inside to watch some dueSouth on my laptop. At some point during this time I meet the hot housemate (Nat). He compliments my t-shirt and says he likes me already. Not surprising as my t-shirt is "Top Gun" - awesome movie with hot men and fast planes. So we sit down and begin watching dueSouth, but get distracted a bit in and so put on Bromwell High instead. We watch an episode of this, before then putting on Shaun of the Dead. At this point hot!housemate Nat enters and sits down and joins us. After the movie ends, we brings out some comedy show he likes and we watch that. We talk for a while, steal their neighbours wireless so we can download the divx codecs in order to WATCH the dvds and eventually Ebony catches a taxi home. Then it is sleepy time.

6th February, 2007. Tuesday.
I wake up around noon, and a while after Claire comes and wakes me up. We have some toast for breakfast. Or lunch. Brunch? We then head up to the main road to go Op shopping. I find a spectacularly BAD romance novel about some princess of Atlantis. I buy it. I resist the Harlequin ones. In another op shop I buy some other book. We then pass the supermarket and I buy some chocolate and drink to take to Katherine's. We head back to Claire's for a while, and then begin the hike to Katherine's apartment. We get there about four fifteen and I go in, while Claire continues on walking to her old house to help clean it a bit. I hang out with Katherine and Chris while we wait for Julia to arrive. When she does, we pack into their study with a hoard of junkfood and begin our HOUSE SEASON 3 watching. Claire joins us 2 episodes in, and we munch down on food for six episodes before our eyes start blurring over and it's time to leave. Julia's dad picks her up, and I throw my huge suitcase at them (as I am staying at Julia next) and Chris and Katherine drive Claire and I back to her house. We have some fruit and watch the beginning of a movie (MENTAL BLANK!!) with Stuart Townsend (HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR). Just as we both begin to tire out, the dvd stops playing and we take this as a sign to go to sleep.

7th February, 2007. Wednesday.
Hannah, the sucker, messages me at EIGHT THIRTY and wakes me up. I growl at her on the phone and hang up, promising to phone again in an hour. Two and a half hours later, I call back and we make plans to meet in the city for lunch. I stumble around Claire's house awkwardly getting ready, and forty five minutes later knock on her door just as she is waking up, to say goodbye as I have to go catch a bus. I am lugging my togbag (heavy) and laptop (heavy) with me. We agree to meet later, and off a I hurdle. Hannah and I head down to get some food, and sit around talking for a little bit. We walk around and take some photos of Adelaide, and eventually head to Hudson's for a coffee. Julia joins us just after three, and we sit talking for a while before saying goodbye. Julia and I hop on a bus and head up to her place, as I am staying with her next. I am staying in her father's bed while he is away. Slightly awkward, but hey the bed is comfy. A bit later, Julia and I catch a bus to the city, and then a (new and modern) train down to Glenelg beach, where the sun is now setting. We decide to get a subway roll and share some chips for dinner. At a local fish and chips shop, we get the owner to show us the different chip sizes. We choose the large and he stares at us in horror. He asks if it is for 2 people. We say yes. He says we should have the medium. We feel shamed and get the medium sized chips and slink away to sit on the sand and eat. Seconds later a flock of seagulls have us surrounded. Gurt? The sun sets around us, and it is pretty. After we have eaten (and I have run around on the sand like a crazy person chasing them), we walk around for a bit and head out onto the jetty. It is getting pretty cold by this point. We then head into a pub and have a pint. We have a lovely conversation, and it is just after ten thirty when we decide to head out. We go back to the city, wait A LONG TIME IN THE COLD for a bus and get home a bit later and fall into bed.

8th February, 2007. Thursday.
Woke up a bit late, had yoghurt for breakfast. Then Julia and I headed into the city to the Belgian Beer Bar, or whatever it is called. I did not have beer, as I had the night before, but had a gin and tonic which had WAY too much beer. It was Julia, Hannah, me, Katherine, Christopher, Claire and Sebastian. It was very awesome. Julia and I went home for a nap afterwards, and then Christopher and Katherine came over. In pajamas, as requested. We then piled into Chris's car and headed up to the video shop. We got weird looks, I can tell you that. We wandered around trying to choose DVD's, and in the end got AWFUL AWFUL THINGS. I can't tell you how much I DON'T like Little Britain. It is just not that fantastic. For some reason we got Kenny as well and sat glaring at the TV as we watched both shows. Our pizza was also TWO HOURS LATE and so convinced the delivery boy to give it to us for half price. So we were bored and without entertainment and so in the end, stayed up until FIVE AM TALKING. FIVE. AM. Which was insane. Eventually we crawled off to bed and lay there having weird dreams until I emerged at 1pm the next day.

9th February, 2007. Friday.
So I wake up at 1pm or so and scramble to get ready before falling onto a bus to go into the city to meet Kate (McMahon) for some coffee or something. We met and headed down to a store called Chocolat (god. SO MANY CHOCOLATE BARS IN ADELAIDE) and caught up a bit. We then walked down Rundle Mall for a bit, but soon it was time for me to depart to go over to Nicole's house for Friday night dinner. I changed into my smart clothes in the city (skirt and top and the such), except left my sneakers on because there was no WAY I was hiking up the hills from the bus stop to her house in my smart shoes, and my socks were green so I looked a bit stupid. ANd bit a bit I mean a lot. So I sat at a bus stop for about forty minutes BEFORE REALISING IT WAS THE WRONG BUS STOP and hiked back across the city to another one where luckily, I made the bus.

I had a nice dinner at Nicole's, and then we were off to the city to meet up with a group of my friends for dinner. It was very pleasant, and I met a few more familiar faces. After that we stood around for a bit deciding if we were all too tired to go out for a bit longer, or just go sleep. We split up and Julia, Bonnie, Hannah and I eventually went to a pub for a schooner and then headed home. All in all a very pleasant day!!
10th February, 2007. Saturday.
I did something during the day - but am drawing a mental blank. It did include meeting up with Michaela, Mel, Sarah, Bonnie, Kate and a couple others in the Chocolate Bean for a cup o' chocolate.

At about 9pm Julia and I headed up to Raquel's for her 19th birthday party. I caught up with some other old faces, including Liz and Aleks. We hung around for a bit and talked, and eventually a whole bunch of us headed out to go to the city for MY LAST NIGHT IN ADELAIDE!
We decided to go to MANSIONS first due to cheap drinks. Everyone thought that it was a pretty gross place - but when I went in there it was still better than about half the places I go to in Perth. Haha. Anyway. I had 2 drinks in there that were the equivalent of 4 drinks. And Vodka based, which = PUKING if hungover. Vodka=VERY BAD PEOPLE. Anyway. We were there and danced for a bit (and Julia got talked up by a kind of attractive man and somehow managed to, when I wasn't looking, pack in about 4 beers).

At the beginning of the night I also did an INCREDIBLY CLUTZY THING. THe shoes I was wearing apparently had NO GRIP WHATSOEVER and so I fell over. In a drunken way. Except I wasn't drunk. Anyway, the worst thing was that I had fallen earlier in the week and it was a newly scabbing wound and I ripped a new hole in my knee and it GUSHED BLOOD. Luckily only a bit got on my dress. But seriously. Down my leg. Streaming. Yuck. This was how I met Trent - who was just suddenly there. And also my first meeting with the infamous friend Chris. Yeah. Not my best moment. Also, OW.

So I stuck a BUTTLOAD of bandaids over it and we headed over to Mansions.

It was really funny - a few from that group had VIP cards so got in quickly, and we were standing in the line talking about these stupid VIP cards when a (somewhat very attractive) man came over and asked if we would like to get VIP cards. Um. Yes? So we skipped the line to get in. Awesome?

Anyway. We left after a while and stood around stupidly wondering where to go. We sat outside a pub for FOREVER and ate Hungry Jack's chips and met awesome people before Julia, Bonnie, Hannah, Heath, Katherine and I moved on to PJ O'Briens. Hannah, Heath and Bonnie only stayed for a little while and soon it was only Julia, Katherine and I. Another three or four drinks later, I was slightly drunk and we were dancing like LUNATICS and some unattractive Indian guy kept trying to instil the virtues of Adelaide on me while hitting on me and I was all WHY DO I GET THESE FREAKS!?!?! WHERE ARE THE SEX GODS?

Also some Irish guy talked to me BUT I COULDNT UNDERSTAND OR HEAR HIM. Also? Drunk. So wasn't paying attention. Lauren = MORON. He wasn't unattractive. I fail. Really. I also think I may have embarrassed Julia A LOT because rudebox came on while we were dancing so of COURSE I had to shout the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

We stayed until the pub closed at four, when we drunkenly stumbled up Rundle street and I felt VERY ILL. Vodka + Lauren = PAIN. Anyway. This guy on rollar skates came careening down the street with an ENOURMOUS wolf. I mean dog. Not a husky...an Alaskan Marmaroo? However it is spelt? Anyway, we made him stop and cooed over it for a while. Some random guy joined us and walked with us for a while, but eventually, just RANDOMLY got into a taxi while we were singing (very loudly and out of tune) Moulin Rouge songs.

We went and sat on the side of the Torrens River in a gazebo for a while with the guys Julia had been talking to earlier until the sun rose and it was REALLY FUCKING COLD. It was also really funny - Julia and Katherine both had to pee, so we walked for a bit on the grass to a while row of port-a-loos which were there for some event BUT THEY WERE ALL LOCKED, so Julia squatted in the space between some, BUT KATHERINE DIDNT, and then sort of wobbled around for a while "drying off". SO FUNNY. Anyway. We sat out in the cold until about SEVEN FRICKIN' AM. I was in bed by the quarter past, but felt SO ILL that at about 10 am I was standing over the toilet (couldn't kneel - giant holes in knee?) trying to puke BUT I COULDN't and eventually fell into bed before my alarm went off at 1pm.

11th February, 2007. Sunday.
So between 10 am and 1pm, I had the most DISTURBED Robbie Williams dream ever. It was basically Fern and I were...at a street party? And Robbie was dancing there and Fern went up and danced behind him and then his agent people gave us VIP cards to his private club and so we went and got in a lift with these very bland, but attractive looking people and went up to the club where they played cards? And then there was this whole thing to do with grocery shopping. Very weird.

Anyway. I got up at 1pm and felt SO SICK and so sort of fell into the shower and had some chammomile tea and then at about 3pm Hannah and Bonnie came over, and at 4pm we went to get some food on NOrwood Parade. I then felt sick from eating so much. We sort of lay on my bed for a half hour when we got back until Heath came past, and then we packed my crap into his car before piling off to the airport.

We got there just before seven pm, and I signed in and everything and we sat around for a while and rated men (i mean, nothing). THen Katherine and Chris came, and before I knew it, my flight was being called and off I tootled. And that was it. :-(.

ps - looking at my posingy sunset picture at the top while listening to the top gun theme song IS INCREDIBLY FUNNY. Really.

lauren being a moron, sga, picspam, friends, trip, adelaide

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