Jan 31, 2007 23:08
*sends jedi mind tricks* I am not updating for the billionth time today.*
In other news: OMG24OMGJACKBAUEROMGOMGOMG. For serious, yo. I was a bit...hmmmm...to start off with, but, exclamation marks! Oh, 24, how I love you. And Heroes starts tomorrow night, which I am very happy about! I wanted to download it, but yeah, lack of downloads. But now it's here! I AM SO EXCITED.
It has also been almost 6 hours and no crackling noises to be heard from the laptop. Kavanagh. On the other hand, I had to reboot it again, but this time I haven't loaded any software onto it (precious software!) and I have an (expensive) computer protection thing going (McAfee - you fucking better be worth all that money that I couldn't afford to spend). Seriously. I will have no money for Adelaide. It is very, very bad.
In other news, it appears that my computer has died and gone back to dial-up speeds, and while thats okay for the rest of the population who reset on the first of each month, I am unlucky and reset only on the 10th. God. Dial-up. I am just grateful I am gone over that period.
On that note, I leave for Adelaide this Friday and won't be back until February 11/12th. I seriously doubt I will be checking my email or flist at all during that time, so I will be lost without all of you! If you want my cell phone number incase of anything important (OMGFANDOMNEWS!!!) I can leave it in a screened comment? I don't know how I am going to live for 10 days without fandom! Seriously - it is that sad. Really. I have no shame over that.
But for now I will go back to violently hating this laptop.