2007: A Concise History

Jan 02, 2008 13:08

I fucking love coloring. They're popping up like daisies. Book 2: Watership Down, by Richard Adams. I should have punched them in the face when I saw them the other day. My lips are all chapped and it's bothering me, they feel all icky and gross. Never again will I be leaving all the reading for history off until the day before it's due. My brain hurts....okay it's more like it's zombie-fied I suppose.

Trivy is officially starting what will probably be her World of Warcraft addiction. (Picture evidence). That blizzard that went through Tuesday/Wednesday left about 16 inches of snow at my house...I think. I feel bad about not updating more often....or saying I'll update about things that have been going on and then never doing it.

Yeah, you read that right. All because I like to make my blood-elf main run around (almost) naked. Yes, I am working on a real update, probably tomorrow if I feel decent (damn allergies, at least I hope it's allergies).

Yes, be amazed! So I found out earlier today that one of my good friend's estranged step-father (is estranged the word I'm looking for, I really have absolutely no idea) called the state police on her and her brother and mom, and then he killed himself. According to this, I'm going to go out and shoot a whole bunch of people too! Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite TV shows or films.

Yeah so the semester is officially over, and I've survived my first year of college! Your Score: Chaotic Evil. I had an entry that I was going to write but, but it seems like a lot of my friends have written journals on a very similar topic, so I shall write it up sometime in the near future. So here is the first thing I have to say.

So tomorrow I learn my fate. I GET TO STAY!!!

Yes, recovery is slowly but steadily occurring, after the insanity that was last week. Apparently I can't even sit in a dark theater without getting hit on by creepy old guys. I'm offically inked! Yep, I was bored. I can't stop shaking, my hands, they keep twitching and shaking and generally betraying me.

My brain is dying. I am Jack's Smirking Revenge. How many times has someone on your friends list posted about something and you were really confused, but you didn't want to ask because you thought you should know? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!

I love Pink Floyd. Yes indeed folks, it's another late night/early morning ramble from your ever lovable Trivy.

It just went off for no reason, I was in bed almost asleep. So the semester is officially about half over (well I'm assuming as much because I've had a mid-term, and everyone else is having theirs). So yay, I went and finally bought myself a kick ass new computer, and some games for it, because it can rock the fuck out of all of them! Okay I'm better about what happened yesterday, and not angry about it anymore.

Right now, I'm strangely okay with the fact that I'm not ready for my bio test, which is at one. Okay, it's not all I want for Christmas, but I do want it. I am truly embarassed by people my age, or the ones who are supposedly "my generation". And no, I wasn't just looking up the black death for the hell of it, I was doing my history paper.

So I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve/Christmas Day as much as I plan to.

Yes, I do realize how cheap it is to just steal all the first sentences of last year's entries as this year's first entry. I had an awesome New Year's, I hope everyone else did too.
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