(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 23:29

I have come to a decision.

I'm deleting AIM tonight.  I'm going to stop posting on lj.

But do not take me off of your lj list.  I will still read and comment.

But I've decided to put you all in dark about my life for a while.  I feel it's the best, while I go explore and find my trueself.  I feel I haven't found what it takes to make me happy.  It's time to put aside the habit of spilling my innermost mind to the world.  It's time...I feel that it's time.

Fear not...

You can still contact me...

Just email me.


Pager Email: kittyrunner_00@yahoo.com

Please email me if you wanna talk, I will be around, just not on AIM.

I will leave my yahoo im on for my mother and emergency use only.

It is time...to discover myself.  To find the true meaning of Ashley Susanne Hinton.  I'm not gone, don't worry.  I am still around, just that you will not hear of me as much.  I believe it will help me discover myself if I do not have the distractions of AIM and Livejournal.  I will miss chatting with some of you, yes...but I will not miss it.  Because I know I will enjoy life even more that I won't be on AIM or Livejournal.

Don't worry, I will come back...when I feel I have discovered my true happiness and my purpose of life, I will be back, and I will be stronger than ever, and happier.  I will prove to you humans, that I am not weak, and that I can do it.  It may take a week, a month, even a year.  Who knows what the future will hold for us all??  I may only use LJ to post PRIVATE entries, to vent...but it will not be visible for you all to see.  I am also changing my password, and I want you all to be in dark of how I am doing with my journey.

Right now, when it begins, it also ends.
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