Aug 24, 2011 21:39
So tomorrow is my girl BJ's birthday. I'm throwing her a Wizard Party. So basically balloons, crepe paper and surprise cake. and Booze. Lots of booze. and glow in the dark bracelets.
only issue is now that Tallulah went up in a blaze of glory yesterday in the school parking lot, I am without transportation. So I'm skipping school tomorrow except for my very important internship meeting. So hopefully i can find some one to take me over to the party place do some pre party decoration.
I'm a little tired and frustrated. It's..It's been rough and I though I was catching a break. I'm happy that I wasn't in the car, and I'm happy that no one was hurt. but still frustrated.
tallulah jane: tj for short,
crafty times,
awesome sauces!!,
cooking times!,
freakin' out!