Mar 16, 2011 22:43


Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about - it can be anything from my favourite shirt to my books or my home. Leave your request as a comment to this entry, I'll snap the pictures and post them in a post. That way, you get to know a little bit about my life.

yourealwaysmine asked for:
something you made, the first thing you see everyday, the best thing you own.

Something I made:

Uhh, Nickel and I are dorks. we got bored one night had some drinks and decided to color in a little pony color book.  both of them were "finish the ponies" pictures and as you can see..we finished them.

The first thing i see everyday:

IS MY BEDSIDE TABLE! Those are two pictures of my best girls, my wind up dinos and bears, my pear salt shaker, my manatee, bouncy ball some hair clips and glass owl and Most Spirited Award, that nickel's dad gave me for christmas.

The Best thing I own:

So, my BFF Nickel wrote me a book. She spent a whole year on it. It's a note book filled with letters that she wrote me everyday. Like a diary addressed to me. I love it so much. It is all of her. everything she loves, hates, thinks about, doodles, music she was listening to. I'm the only one to read it and will ever read it. I cherish it with all my heart. If my house caught fire this would be one of the first things I'd grab.

bff nickel!, awesome sauces!!, is this real life?, picspam, meme!

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