we got back our papers from both 7th and 8th grade in english today. my autobiographical incident was in there. the one about you, elise. brought back some memories...
there were also my papers that i had been too lazy to type up and just handed in on notebook paper. it wasn't even clean paper. haha. i'm a bum.
but hey. i got an 11 on the autobio. incident. (11 out of 12 for you non-la reinians).
i saw someone today, that i haven't seen for... a long time. it's so strange. you can be so close to someone, then suddenly they're gone. life goes by so quickly, you stop thinking about them, and then suddenly they're there. it's like time pauses and rewinds. weird feeling, lemme tell ya.
amber's moving soon. that's really gonna suck.
i'm supposed to be at marye's right now, but that didn't happen. sorry, guys.
oh well.
IT'S SUMMER! finally.
"where are we going?"
"so what's the rush?"
have a nice night!