rambling words of a psychopath..............

Feb 01, 2005 21:56

lets see i wrecked my car this past early ass sunday morning got pretty bruised the fuck up too! :*(
there's about $5-$6 g's worth of damage at least i got a rental car some pimp ass truck. funny enough i always made fun of people driving trucks....tomorrow i have a meeting with one of the record company executives that is flying out from NY should be fun i guess......but am not looking forward to it. all i have done lately is work my ass off. at least my deductible is $250.....
cold bitter ass cold freezing my tits off cold......damn room so fucking cold...........i'm a little tired and a little wired....need another cig...no go outside though.......got engaged and have been engaged for almost 2 months.. mom gave me her engagement ring. no date set yet...not til i finish school which won't be til i'm 80. i'm bored. sick of hangin out with all the same people. miss my old friends. who seem to think they are too good to be my friends or just in general don't give a fuck. well to hell with them who needed them anyways. oh and btw this is not directed to anyone on here.....i seem to be pretty cynical these days. such is me. take me or leave me. i miss having a life..............
"and i'm sorry for the way i am never meant to be so cold......"

OMG! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS RAWKS!!!!!!

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