Jul 02, 2003 23:55
well were here again, toms an idiot, we've all heard it before. i was so upset about something else and then i screwed something else up big time. i called heather a name which doesn't even make sense because she's so far from it its pathetic. anyways i guess i just feel so close to her that i thought if i was to make a statement like that, that she could see what i was talking about. didn't go down like that. insted heather god mad, josh was tellin me im an idiot, and now i have a new enemie, ms renee miles, just another to add to the list. well i just want heather to know how i feel. i actually cried, knowing i could have lost her, my hole weekend is ruined because i didn't get a change to make a mense and i wont be able to talk to her again untill sunday night. i love her so much, i just don't think sometimes. Heather im so sorry, and yes i am sorry to renee.....