"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?"

Jul 26, 2010 09:45

"...Cause i could really use a wish right now"

Aint that the truth.  Its been over 1 month now that ive been hibernating.  Living again with Jill...been here long enough that its almost comfortable - even though know in the back of my mind i don't belong here.  Since she moved back home staying w/ her feels like im infringing on some life, some small world i don't fit in.  I like her family fine, but this constant return - in sad states of health, causes me to feel like a mangy dog you fed once and keeps coming back.  As i continually realize - I need to take steps towards something different.

But chances are within a week i'll be back in a program.  Not that its what I want, or even feel is necessary - at least for remaining sober.  What it offers me is a place to live - and at this point that is my main concern.  And seeing as how i'm broke and jobless - its rather important.  But this transience of my situation, inhibits me from rectifying that.  Leaving only the option of state funded living - until somehow i can get some money together, some sort of stability, and i guess a few months of hey i stayed sober...

I'm not sure what i'm doing....
All this biding time - waiting for a sign....
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