Brief hiatus! - OOC/IC

Apr 05, 2010 02:06

So let's just say Toby's gone on a spur-of-the-moment road-trip with Yuki/Panda (callhergeekchic). Uh, he left a note at the apartment for his mom. And put in a formal written request for a few days off at the diner. For mental health reasons. (Come on, he's a good worker, don't fire him!)

He does have his cell on him, though. So those messages can be left here for him. Whether they be yelling at him for leaving with so little notice or, you know, asking where the hell he is. XD;;

...And on that note, hopefully I'll be back to playing him in a few days. Just... going through some issues. Thanks! ♥


Would you believe it if I told you I'd run away from home to elope with a girl? ...yeah, I didn't think so.

Yuki and I decided I needed a quick vay-cay, so we're taking a road-trip. Sorry I didn't tell you before, it was kind of spur of the moment, and you weren't home when I was packing! I've got my cell on me though, and I should be back in a couple of days. Don't worry too much. Remember to keep watering the plants while I'm gone. Just not the plastic ones. :)

Love you lots!

P.S. Don't have any wild crazy parties while I'm gone either! ...Wait until I get back for that!


I put in a formal request for vacation hours, but I figured you'd also need a little bit of an explanation, too. So. Here goes.

I really, really like you. More than I expected to. I don't do things halfway, which.. you've probably noticed. I'm kinda obsessive and hyperactive and... apparently my mom explains it as my heart just moves faster than other's. But, anyway. This is the reason I got so upset, and I really apologize for running out on you like that. I was afraid I was going to start crying in front of you and... you already think I'm like a little kid, I don't really want you to see me cry.

It was sorta selfish of me to be hurt by your request, and I'm really sorry. If you need to keep our relationship from your brother, I'm willing to do that. (Assuming you're still willing to be in a relationship with me.) I was going to talk to you about this face-to-face but... there just never seemed to be a good moment.

It just hurt me because I felt like it meant... I don't mean as much to you as you do to me. And maybe that is the reason. But even if it is, I realize that... that's okay, because maybe one of these days I will mean as much to you. I guess I can only hope so.

Anyway, my classes already ended and I just really needed a vacation from... woo, everything, basically. I've still got my cell on though, so... Please let me know that you've read this and... maybe you're thinking of me. It will put my heart at ease, at the very least. And... I'll miss you while I'm gone. I'll try to be back as soon as I can, okay?

With love,
Kid ♥

P.S. Tell Monster to behave himself or else I won't bring him back any souvenirs! (As if he needs more toys, right?)

what: ic, what: ooc, !hiatus

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