Dec 22, 2003 17:44
3 more days =)
My dad 'n i went shopping on Sunday morning, 'n it was sooo pack'd everywhere we went, that we 'juss decided to get the stuff we need'd and 'ta get outta there. Plus, shopping w. my dad is hecktic the way it is.
.First. He makes me go in his ::big bad truck:: Yepp. Im always afraid that hes going to hit the person in front of him. And driving w. my dad means giving the middle finger to anyone who gets in his way. Lmao, its horrible.
.Second. He wants to buy the stupid'st things for my mom. Like bedroom slippers, and ovenmitts.
.Third. He rips off the store. No joke. We bought this funnel cake thing that my mom wanted, that gives u the ingred. 'n instructions on how to make funnel cake. Well the thing comes in two boxes, and you have to buy them seperate. So of course, he puts the little box, inside of the bigger box, and steals the second box. Uhh huhhhh. So we end'd up stealing a box of food stuff wich was 15.00. Yepp.
Yeahh. hahaha. So im almost done w. my x-mas shopping. I still gotta get Kristen, Autumn, Jill, and possibly Karen.
Ughh..cant wait =)