Oct 19, 2005 15:00
So I've been having a little trouble with what my Dad dubbed "Chronic Lateness" lately. I've had alot of trouble this term getting to class on time or at all, doing homework on time or having prepared for class when I need to be. Today it came to a head when I missed an appointment for extra help with my Finance professor, after missing the deadline for a homework assignment the day before. This, in turn, made me a half an hour late for my Writing Tutor job on campus, which is horrible because I only spend one hour a week at the writing center.
So this morning I had the brainchild to penalize myself for these offenses: $5 for each time I'm late to class or an appointment, or each time I hand in something late. I left the decision of what to do with the money until later on today, and I definitely just got it figured out. My father suggested that instead of investing it in savings like I had thought of, to possibly give it away to charity to feel a little more "pain". Then he mentioned the Angry White bum (a notorious bum around campus) as a real, loathsome recipient of this charity... At first I thought no way, but then I headed to Seven Eleven for a candy bar, and opportunity presented itself.
There was a bum seated on the curb right outside, as there always is, and on my way in he asked "just a quarter on your way out". Normally, I'd just nod my head and walk by not intending to give a damn thing, but this time I reacted differently. I headed in, and picked out a Twix and Take 5 bar, figuring one for me, one for the bum. Then, I headed for the register to pay. I used my debit card and pulled out $10 in cash back. Then I promptly walked outside straight up to the bum, and asked him "Which do you like better, Twix or Take 5?", to which he answered the Twix. I handed him the candy, and then said "Here's $10 my man, have a good day!".
The unexpected thing was that it felt good going through with this self-inflicted punishment. So I've decided to keep track of the money I'm giving away in a spreadsheet, along with the events that cause each fine. Hopefully I can reduce it; today's already cost me about $15 and I'm a broke college kid!!!
The one rule I established was that all fines must be paid on the day in which they are incurred. So I'm taken care of today, and I've only got one more class to go. I was early for my appointment with the Finance professor, since I rescheduled for 3 PM. Right now I'm waiting for him to finish his prior appointment.
The whole point being that now that I'm a senior, I need to start working, thinking, acting, and living like one. By all rights, I should have graduated by now except for my 5-year major at Drexel. Imagine if I were having chronic lateness in the corporate world! In any case, school is quite tough nowadays, 5 classes this term are causing alot of stress already, and it's only week four of eleven... sheesh...
Oh, and Take 5 bars kick ASS!