Mar 15, 2006 15:23
Anyway, I'm flying to Barcelona Friday morning and still haven't heard anything from the friend I'll be visiting I kinda need to, given that I'm, you know, STAYING with her and I should have her address since she won't be meeting me at the airport. Calling her is impossible since she doesn't have any credit on her phone.
I sense an oncoming disaster.
A couple of days ago, I received an email from Dara, telling me that a mutual friend has visited her at the PC site and had a fantastic time. That got me defensive because it just seems like everyone else who visited had a great experience and because I didn't, I'm obviously a shallow, materialistic Westerner. But I didn't have a problem with the squat toilet or the lack of McDonald's or taking a shower in a bucket. It was more of me being a introvert and thrust into a situation where I was forced to meet new people all the time and there was absolutely no down time to relax. And always being the center of attention, having people comment on my appearance right in front of me, combined with culture shock.... I think it was worse being with the women than the men. Although the men wanted to meet me (stare at me), they were more careful to keep a distance. Probably didn't want to set so many tongues wagging- Dara's village thrives on gossip. It was just an overwhelming experience. I'm glad I did it, but I wouldn't go back.
I told her how I felt and she assured me that it was normal to feel that way and every single female volunteer echoes my thoughts with regards to the experience. That made me feel better, but also a little silly for being defensive in the first place.