I did absolutely nothing but work, sleep, eat, and take long baths all weekend. It was nice, but I miss having a social life.
And because of my lack of life and balance I truly think I'm going insane. I have never been a flighty person. I have always been quite put together when it comes to every day things. But it's as if I've lost my mind. I can't do things anymore. I forget everything. I lose everything. I can't think straight. When I sit alone in my room I hear people asking for toys. It's horrible.
So, I obviously need to work on that. So I made a list of things to do in order to fix myself. No, I'm not copying Stephanie Brown. It's just a list.
-Work on posture
-Stop losing things
-Stop forgetting things
-Be wary of new people, you're probably better than them
-Don't lose new found confidence
-Work less
-Stop ignoring growing back pain and go to chiropractor
-Hang out with old friends who actually meant something to you
-Learn how to get through a night without needing some form of physical comfort
-Start writing and/or photographing and/or playing music. i.e. Do something creative you unproductive fuck
-Pass finals
-Finish Christmas shopping while still keeping at least 500 dollars in checking account
-Start packing lunches, and stop forgetting how horrible mall food is
-Follow intuition
-Find some sort of stability/balance in life
-Stop having disturbing nightmares
-Let go