Do not let me lose sight of these things.

Apr 04, 2013 23:50

This week I learnt the term " cognitive dissonance", and experienced it for myself while watching a video about evolution called " What Darwin Never Knew". Our professor screened it during our class. While watching it, it struck me that there were a lot things which made sense, but also a lot of things which required a leap of faith, a real suspension of belief.

And I guess that is something I have been coming to terms with in myself as well. What do I believe in? How much do I believe in it? What am I invested in?

I always end up thinking in this way: there are a few things in my life which can really move me, so much that I am beside myself. I am, for the most part, quite a composed person. But when it comes to things of God, when it comes to things of the spirit, I express a much different depth of emotion and feeling. I feel like I become moved beyond self-consciousness. It is this which keeps me coming back - the desire to be freed from my self, my selfishness, all the hidden dark things in me that I have learnt about and disagree with and am learning to face up to.

"That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith" Eph 3:17a

What does " through faith"mean? What does " make His home in your hearts" mean? I don't really know. But reading it makes me feel as if I need to know, I need to know more about this Christ who wants to make his home in ( of all places) my heart, I need to have more faith.

In other news - Colorado was an absolute blast. Had a rocking good time, snowboarded to my heart's content. Only complaint is that now my laptop is dead and I have no way of reviving it. Lousy HP, sigh. I am typing this from a borrowed laptop, which one of the guys in the house has graciously lent me until I can get my laptop fixed.
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