Jul 01, 2009 18:39
Hi guys, it's me again. You're probably wondering: where's that chapter update? And sadly, I can't reassure anyone and say that it's almost done being edited as I speak and it'll be up on FF.net within the hour. Why's that?
I've gotten a few rude PM's from people lately, demanding an update NOW OR ELSE and whatnot, and frankly, this kind of approach really lessens any immediacy I might have felt otherwise to get a chapter up. I'm sorry to those of you who are waiting patiently for Chapter Ten, I really am. But those few individuals (you know who you are) are starting to get on my nerves. And I actually have a lot of patience about these things normally, so that's saying something.
Please understand, I am writing. Progress is slow some days and fast others, but it's happening nonetheless. I will try to update as soon as I can without compromising the quality of my chapters, but it doesn't help when I'm getting immature demands from people with bad grammar. Seriously? My inbox could do without the needless spam.
Anyway, I would never have vented about this if the matter hadn't gotten out of hand and disturbed my writing process. I'm hoping that, once I put this out there, these pointless PM's will stop so that I can just focus on my writing. Again, thanks to those of you who are patiently waiting for the next update - I'll do my best to make sure that the next chapter update will be worth the wait.
- T.
writing: progress